
From the Businesweek link:

I'm a part of this!

You're an MRA, which is ten times worse than being Hitler. Just so you know.

Ageism or just the way politics works. A fair portion of what WJC and HRC said about George H.W. Bush and Bob Dole in 1992 and 1996 could be seen as ageism if you're of a mind to see things that way. Generational contrasts are pretty standard in politics. In 2008 the Clintons just got a taste of their own medicine.

I think the GOP attack on Clinton will not be so much about her age [see, Reagan & McCain] but that she represents a different time. After all, this is more or less what Barack Obama did during his great speech in Iowa back in November 2007. He urged Democrats to put the partisan battles of the 1990s behind them and

"Hall Pass" was a genuinely awful movie. Insulted everyone who watched it.

The figure in that image looks like a dude performing a blowjob on another dude.

Exactly, different strokes. The movie was sold as a raunchy comedy, a feminine version of "The Hangover." Obviously, it was nothing like that. Perhaps my view would be more generous if I'd been expecting something much milder. No doubt the marketing boys and girls found pitching it as the female "Hangover" sold well.

You have a far more generous definition of what a good joke is than I do. To each his or her own.

I can't tell if you're stupid or just pretending to be. If you're stupid, I obviously never wrote that feminism is why no one cares about other forms of injustice. I sort of implied just the opposite. Thought it was obvious to even the meanest of intellects. I suppose I may have over-estimated you. My apologies.

"Bridesmaids" was incredibly disappointing. I'd been hearing for months about how this movie was going to show those wimpy "Hangover" guys how it is done and then... Zilch. Apart from one scatalogical scene, there were very few laughs and it wasn't raunchy at all. Lame and tame. When your best joke is about

So a feminist audience would not care about racism, religious bigotry, homophobia and xenophobia. Thanks, good info. I'll keep that in mind from now on.

Yeah, except that none of those things were mentioned.

Well, I'm glad most people seemed to understand.

THAT'S what you got from that?!

I'm amazed anyone gets worked up about this. If you've ever read The Sun, you know it's a newspaper for mental midgets. From its numerous spelling and grammatical errors you can see it is edited by 12-year-olds and to be read by 12-year-olds.

I did just learn one thing: How to ignore someone so intellectually inferior to me that we can scarcely be called members of the same species.

I agree, it's not my default setting.

What else can I do with silly people but laugh at them? It's the kindest option available.