Thank goodness you seem like a dullard whose opinion means nothing to me!
Thank goodness you seem like a dullard whose opinion means nothing to me!
>>You keep making this assertion, but you have no data to support your claim. Your experience that there are "probably not many" guys like that directly contradicts my experience that "most guys are like that." So why do you think your experience is more valid or more "real" than mine?<<
See, the problem is, I didn't write men and women are different. When someone pointed out that women like sex without emotional connection, I agreed entirely. I also agreed that there was far more variation among individuals than among genders.
It's shocking, but when you stop to think about it, not so shocking. Pity.
Steven Schwartz has seen this spider sex-death ritual 300 times?!
>>Oh, well, as long as you're only claiming that MOST men feel this way MOST of the time, I guess we have to accept your statement as truth by default!<<
The problem is you're trying apply the law without common sense. That's almost never how it works. The vast majority of lawyers, on both sides, and judges and juries take their jobs very seriously. The reason juries exist is to make sure decisions are made with common sense, not simply a mindlessly literal application…
Dude, you've got a rotten case. Dunno why you want to try it.
I'd like the sons taken off the air just because their shows suck, but if they are willing to condemn their mother's remarks, that ought to be enough for them to keep their shows. If they refuse to do that, though, it should be assumed they agree with her.
I'm in church almost every Sunday and they never mentioned anything like this.
Eh, it's not up to you to define what a grown up man is any more than it is for me to define what a grown up woman is.
Anything Indiana Jones does is, by definition, cool as fuck-all.
Judging by what I've read and heard about the sex lives of various androgynous pop stars, I'd say you're not alone.
Arnhelm, no harm, no foul. I don't think men are all slavering sex-hounds. I'm not and while I don't want to, uh, generalize, I feel on pretty safe ground with that.
Yeah, I'm familiar with it. I never got that humor. I could laugh my ass off at Fawlty Towers or Blackadder or Spaced or The Office, but I never got the dressing up as a woman bit.
>>As a general rule any British male who has been to university or played a team sport has probably worn a dress. Not that big a deal.<<
Arnhelm, I notice the article above contains a pretty glaring generalization from Laura Beck. To wit:
Sorry, Arnhelm, I don't know how to be any clearer than "most hetero males most of the time" and "I'm sure there are guys who do say such things."
Jeebus, doesn't anyone read anymore?