
I don't think it is for everyone. Just that if people gave it a try, many would prefer it, including some who would never imagine it. Different strokes and all. I do think romantic love causes a lot of needless pain, though. That's what I have observed in others.

>>Typical clueless pig. You actually think we are just like you, sex driven cave dwelling morons. No wonder you're single... I'll let you know when I need a jar opened, go back to your Calling of Duty little man<<

>>I think an exchange of sex and money is a little twisted when not everyone involved knows that's what's happening.<<

Apparently I am.

Early 30s.

I keep hearing about women who have kids without a man around and how they're "badass" and "supermoms" and so forth so I assume it actually is feasible if you have or want to have kids.

How does my attitude make me a jerk? I don't think you have nearly enough information about me to conclude that I'm a jerk. I have a steady job and a steady side-job I do for fun, I pay my taxes, I'm good to my mom, dad and siblings, I regularly donate time and money to a couple of charities, I'm a church-goer, I have

>>being uncommitted all of the time shows a lack of discipline that personally I think kinda sucks.<<

Always nice to bump into a fellow traveler. Kudos to you on remaking your life in a way that is more pleasing to you. Takes guts. Scolds be damned.

>>I don't date young guys who expect me to be their meal ticket. I wanted to pay for a guy's dinner, I would date guys my own age and get some decent conversation out of the deal.<<

>>I do understand that it can be complicated when dealing with the financial aspects of relationships like this. If you actually discuss your per-hour rate, you might be arrested for prostitution. But when you don't, some of them might think you're actually emotionally invested. Silly women, not understanding how

I concur that the STD factor can complicate things. I've stayed clean by being very careful, but it is a legitimate issue.

Doofus? Nice. I used to be in 8th grade, too!

Not all women in their 30s are fertile. One of the women I dated was 37 and she told me she was not. She was a good, honest person and I have no reason to doubt her word.

I hope nobody is just discovering that James Taranto is a gigantic horses's ass. This is not a new development.

When I was in college, I dated older women — 30-40 years old. Never exclusively, though I'm not sure they knew that. I was also hooking up with girls my own age. I had to pay my own way thru college so dating older women, who had a lot more money than I did, helped with the bottom line. They were all entirely

If you're both free to have sex with anyone you like, I'd say you've got this thing figured.

He handled that well.

>>Just because women aren't choosing to get married doesn't mean society is rejecting romantic partnerships altogether.<<

We argue a lot about literature. For example, my friends all think I'm a vulgarian because I don't read novels, only history. On the other hand, I think they're all slug-heads who don't know the history of the world. Some good fights over the NYRB.