
I'm not a slob and you may not be one either. I'm just rather fastidious. My parents have had a long and happy marriage and my mother always worked outside the home. She trained her kids to look after themselves. Cooking. Cleaning. Laundry. The whole enchilada. So I do the routine things like dishes and laundry and

I'm not saying you're not happy. Just that we'd all be happier if we stuck to using each other's bodies for sex. All consensual. All fun. All the time.

I've never heard a woman say it either. Why would they? This is the 21st century. We should be beyond all that traditional shit. But, as I indicated, my social circle isn't America. It should be, but it isn't.

I guess we have different social circles. Based only on what you've told me, my social circle seems a lot better.

The point of the article is that all men — or virtually all of them — are jackasses so if you marry one, the odds are you're marrying a jackass and will be unhappy.

Ditto to this. I've never heard a guy in my social circle say "I can't wait until I get married." My social circle isn't America, but it is part of America and I suspect it is far more common than people think.

As a single hetero dude, I can't tell you how much I dig this.

I was being sarcastic. Internet sarcasm = consistent failure.

I only listen to sports radio in one metropolitan area, but I've heard that term a couple of times, yes. It's not a daily occurrence, but it has happened often enough for me to remember it.

There was a cornerback for the Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders named Lester Hayes who was known as "Lester the Molester" for the physically way he played wideouts. A lot of the stuff he did would no longer be allowed under current NFL rules.

Talk about turning lemons into lemonade. Dude's getting paid. Good on 'im.

This isn't that uncommon on sports radio. I've heard "raped" or even "ass-raped" used on sports radio to describe a sporting event or a single play within a sporting event that was particularly one-sided. It's the physical domination part of sports, I suspect, that leads some commentators to use the words that way. I

Tennessee has also taken a strong stand against these things:

I'm not defending the NYDN description, but I don't think Jessica Simpson wants to "grow another human in peace." She's turned being pregnant into a cottage industry, raking in tons of dough. Pleas for privacy work better if you haven't gone to great lengths to monetize your womb.

It's just one of many ways rich celebrities can be separated from their money by clever scam artists.

Did your hamster also overturn a democratic election by cooperating in a judicial coup d'etat and then disingenuously wonder, years later, if she'd done the wrong thing?

They did the Zorro movies with a Spaniard [Banderas] and two Brits from Wales [Hopkins & Zeta-Jones]. Apparently couldn't find a single Mexican actor to play any of these roles.

I'm not a girl.

How you live your life is more important than how long it lasts.