>>Does that mean men get to be sexist as well?<<
>>Does that mean men get to be sexist as well?<<
My point was pretty clear. You just don't like it.
This story isn't about accommodating anyone. It's about the fact that women live longer than men. The author of the blog post and some of the commentators seem to be delighting in that fact. This rubs some thin-skinned dudes the wrong way.
So what if it is sexist? Women aren't required to like you or men in general. Haterz gonna hate and there ain't no law against hatin'
And you're a shit-for-brains!
Indeed. Stupid people are going to waste their money anyway. The British royals, like the lottery, is a tax on stupid people. Using money to reinforce the nepotistic rule of a clan of successful cattle wranglers makes about as much sense as anything else.
Excellent! But if you spend anything less than a week in intensive care she's not really trying and I [and you] should be pretty disappointed.
It doesn't matter. They'll be tons of idiots throwing money at her no matter what she sells.
The fact that anyone apart from the family gives a shit about this little brat about to be born is really quite depressing.
The first Tomb Raider movie was tolerable. The second was not. If you're jacked up for round three you need more excitement in your life.
I approve your comment. The thought of your wife, whom I don't know, mercilessly beating the shit out of you, who I also do not know, makes me smile.
Many declare his home run record will last 1000 years!
I don't masturbate, but it has nothing to do with my sex drive, which is relatively ferocious. I simply like the real thing and masturbating ain't that.
People will lie on an anonymous survey? Seems like those people ought to immediately volunteer for medical testing. I can't see how they'll make any other useful contributions to society.
I'm a male and I don't masturbate. It's boring. The fact that it is now recommended by doctors only proves that it is boring. Doctors never recommend anything that isn't boring or horrible. I don't find masturbation horrible, but it is tedious.
Kinja is a hermaphrodite.
Jezebel uses "bro" to insult. A "bro" is someone who is dumb and irritating. It's basically the way a sexist man would use the phrase "dumb broad."
No, I didn't write that. I wrote that the overtly sexual ads I see in sports media feature women who are happy and smiley and very attractive and often scantily-clad. Like Kate Upton. This is in contrast to Corndog's description of women in ads as looking "raped and half dead." She wrote she sees those depictions in…
Cosmonaut is the coolest job title ever.
I'm a Dem so more women in Congress is good by me. Plenty of women in Congress I like. For some reason, though, the women in Congress who are bad tend to be REALLY bad. [Remember crazy Jean Schmidt?] Not sure why that is. I used to be surprised by it, but it has become common enough that I'm not shocked anymore.