
Suck it, douche-nozzle. Libs don't come down hard on Obama because he does 40 good things for every one bad thing. The other side, not so much. It's sort of like how you don't beat the shit out of a loved one when they screw up, you either try to get them to change their ways or you find a way to live with it because

Victim-less crime.

Making contraception as available as possible is an unalloyed good for all of society. Men should care about this as much as women. As a male who has no intention of becoming a father against my wishes, I want all women [and men] to have access to the best contraception at affordable prices.

I was being light-hearted. Just commenting on the way people seem to love her or hate her and how few people, such as myself, seem to care not at all because we've never seen the show, never will see the show.

Also, doesn't Jenny McCarthy have a son who is 9 or 10 or something like that? Gotta be fun for him to have his mom talking so much about her sex life in the media. Does a day go by without someone at school asking him: "Hey, did yer mom jill off last night or what?"

I have no idea who that actor on "Girls" is or how important he was to the show, but I do know this: He crossed Lena Dunham — prepare to die, muthafucka!

I love the hookup culture. I'm glad women are enjoying it as much as men because that means it is likely to continue. The young women I hook up with are generally not looking for anything serious, which only makes them sexier, and are consequently not the least bit concerned that I have no real interest in them beyond

Weird. I'm childless and I couldn't be happier about it. Never heard any of my friends complain about not having kids. I thought that was something mostly confined to 16th century European royalty who need an heir for the kingdom.

Uh, that's pretty much what I argued, though I also argued that she had no chance to win the election in KY and believed she was setting herself up to get mauled by the GOP attack machine without even a win to console her.

Is this her way of reminding people that she's still alive? I ask only because it worked on me.

28 Days Later and 28 Week Later [the latter which he produced] both have prominent female roles — at least two in both movies. Ditto for Sunshine.

Danny Boyle shows plenty of male nudity in his films — as anyone familiar with Danny Boyle films would know.

You mean there is rough work in politics and nobody agreed to just stand aside and let Ashley Judd have the nomination? Oh, the humanity!

I'll bet you anything her sons are very embarrassed by this. Mothers have been embarrassing their sons with that "you should marry someone like my boy" crap since the beginning of time. My own mother did it until I told her very specifically to knock it off forever. Don't blame the sons for their screwy mother.

So Ms Losse authored a critique of the book which was "thoughtful" and "reasonable" but not "honest"?

Of course this is protected by free speech. Towson Univ is a public school and there is this thing called the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Season 3 has been excellent. Even season 2 was far better than all the bitching would indicate.

John Legend does seem like a smart guy. His music isn't to my taste, but his talent is pretty obvious.

These companies can't afford Don Draper.

Nah, you gotta bring something to the game and you can't or won't so, this has officially run its course. For the record, I'm funnier, but you're the better troll. Tootles.