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    I was told these air dams are designed to increase fuel economy. Sounds like this beast needs as much help as it can get.

    Denver is also about to complete the train station at DIA. Right now it looks a bit like Noah's Ark but here is what is supposed to look like when it's done:

    I found him!

    Exactly. Something breaks almost every time I take it out, but... just look at these things. This one's mine and it will never belong to anyone else.

    Not exactly true here in Denver. Only model years 1975 and before are exempt.

    Yup, 2-barrel but still a thirsty mother.

    Is everything just hunky dory in hipster heaven here? Well, in a word no. There is the somewhat alarming note that the 'terribly problematic emissions system' has been eliminated. This truck's in Florida, and as we all know, anything goes in that place. Anywhere else however, were registration requires a visual

    This XJ steering wheel actually looks pretty good in this SJ.

    My gaydar is also indicating this dude is family. Those girls are in for a couple surprises.

    Top Gear on History is coming back on June 3rd at 9pm...We all hope you'll watch and enjoy it.

    Lookin' good!

    I was excited to see what a new Grand Wagoneer would look like until I saw what they did with the new Jeep Cherokee last year. Now I think they should leave that iconic name alone.

    Maybe it's exactly what Texas needs. "Go where you are least wanted, for there you are most needed." ...Abby Kelley Foster

    It just kills me that this is Jeep's "Flagship." WHERE IS THE GRAND WAGONEER WE WERE PROMISED?

    I grew up in a town in S.E. Massachusetts that had two mental institutions. Some of the patients were intelligent enough to use the bus system. Take GATRA and you were likely to see some interesting people. During my freshman year of high school, I was a dummy and had to take summer school. My punishment from dad was

    Did anyone ask the company who's idea it was to start digging under the city on the first place?

    Definitely Ryan Reynolds.

    Reminds me of Denver's Holy Ghost Church and the skyscraper built around it.

    My art teacher told me the artist made the penis smaller so as not to show up the customer. God forbid he created a penis that was bigger than the guy's actually footing the bill.

    It's on my 2014 wish list.