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    I've had one of these since March and it's been a rough road. It's a verified real DVR-027, not one of the cheap knock-offs. I went through two mounting brackets before buying an aftermarket Amazon bracket. The plastic is so thin that the pressure clip holding the suction cup to the windshield failed in the same place

    Looks pretty good in Spinnaker Blue too.

    Free Filter With the Purchase of Royal Purple Synthetic Motor Oil

    Mine came free with my flower power iMac in 2000.

    The Casio button watch.

    I can vouch for it being a clean-running little engine. I passed emissions last week with a very broken catalytic converter; rattled like a baby's toy. Replaced it this weekend.

    I present a Chrysler Gran Detroit. It qualifies as "sport" because of the turbo, of course.

    I remember being absolutely mesmerized by these in the early 80's. Not every school bus had them but I always tried to sit in the front seat to watch the light show and dream about the driver passing out so I could jump in and save the day.

    Whoa! Dover Grey text be gone, hello tarmac black!

    Love the shout out to Christine with the Evil = Plymouth Fury.

    This one's is fitted with a J-Truck "Muscle" grill. Me likey!

    According to this list, I'm 2/3rds hipster. JUST WHAT I'VE ALWAYS WANTED! Two of my cars made this list:

    Oh yes targa tops are factory. I detail a bone-stock one for a friend and it has the factory targa.

    I'd really like to know what their definition of doing "a lot" for their customers is. If it's anything like here in Colorado, it's absolutely nothing more than what is required. I've absolutely never had any DMV worker do "a lot" of anything for me.

    that's what she said

    Neutral: Tired Of Being In The Grey? Do a text annotation reply to this article and explain what an ATS or Escalade Vsport model might be like and I'll try to "follow" you for Jalopnik so you're no longer in the review box.

    I recognize my airport. This is Denver International looking South. That construction you see is the new light rail terminal/hotel and you can just make out the red-eyed, blue-veined devil horse sculpture that KILLED ITS CREATOR!

    Yup. And mine chewed through rear tires like they were pez. Traded it in for the G8 mostly because of the wacky tire setup and stock camber setting (oh and because G8!).

    Oddly fulfilling.

    1991 Jeep Grand Wagoneer in Hunter Green.