People who recline are monsters. Full stop.
People who recline are monsters. Full stop.
Yes, thank you. I’ve been continuing to visit the G/O sites because I like a lot of the writing and the comment sections (trolls and racists notwithstanding). But fucking hell has it gotten significantly worse over the last couple of months. Say it with me now, G/O:
They are currently sending out emails to have the HR department switch rooms.
There are a few for story/lore updates. But no one good video about all of the QoL changes. Biggest things to check out would be anything about the Forsaken expansion update last September. This explains the weapon slot changes (but also throw heavy machine guns into the power slot since they were added a few months…
I get the parent’s grief. But blaming some locker room attendant for running out to score him some drugs and not Skagg’s himself is some next level denial. His death is indeed tragic and I wish he got some help, but it was his decision to make this fatal mistake. Jamming up some underling is bullshit.
I mean why shouldn’t a gossip columnist shit on an actual journalist who has been on the front lines of Iraq and Afghanistan reporting along with tragedies such as the Pulse Shooting, the Haitian Earthquakes and the devastation in Puerto Rico? Along with being a Peabody, Emmy and Cronkite award recipient?
Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.
I shudder to think about how many hours he’s spent with this game and what other, far more fulfilling things he could have been doing with that time.
> It’s too bad that this poignant scene happens in the midst of a collection of tired stereotypes of gamers
I mean, I’m depressed at the moment, and my work has been upsetting me such that I’ve basically been stress eating for a year solid. I’ve gained at least 30 pounds, and that’s a byproduct of my depression and laziness.
So I’m guessing there is a Long Island style?
Oh, I feel that all three give off a certain "I will cut you while you sleep and never tell you why" vibe
The weakest part of Jalopnik is clearly the Truck coverage. I don’t know if its because most of the writers are based in NYC or the West Coast but the site overall is horribly out of touch with Pickups.
Trucks are mostly used for short trips?
This same guy who was whining due to lag also immediately donated a solid 2k to an old acquaintance of his after finding out she had stage 4 cancer (something she had only just found out herself). The attention he gave her ended up in the rest of her hospital bills being paid off in full with change to spare because…
Uproar over cultural appropriation is BS 99% of the time. I think culture if too often conflated with ethnicity as well. It’s natural for culture to spread.
It’s also worth noting that this sort of relationship is actually a boon for you and your future lovers.