
Is there a proper manual transmission option this time around? I really liked playing the NFS Undergroud games. The driving felt good, the drag racing was cool too, it was good fun and it the way it pandered to the youth was cheeky fun. All of the recent NFS games pander to the youth in awkward and cringy ways, the

Imagine being able to save screenshots to a USB stick then plugging that into your computer :insert shocked Pickachu face:


No fucking way. I think I’m gonna get back into it this weekend. Is there a good youtube video that you recommend that would catch me up on all the changes made from launch?

As someone who played Destiny 2 at launch but has not played since I am now thoroughly confused with wtf is going on.

Not to mention there are literally zero combos in the game. You would think that a button masher set around a Light/Heavy Attack system would have built in a way to extend or learn new combos. The combos in this game basically boil down to L, L, L, H. For every single character. Being able to combo into more powerful

My main gripe with the game is that playing it Level 15 vs playing in Level 50 is the same experience. All of the character ability upgrades are all number based and not really affect gameplay at all. Characters essentially just deal more damage. Even equipping gems that you get later on in the game only modify stats.

Also, for Gym memberships. Make sure and always ask about their annual renewal fee’s. Most gyms will get you in with a low monthly fee only to charge a very high annual renewal fee. Make sure and take this into consideration as well.

Having a high credit score is nothing to strive for. Instead focus on building a debt free life that doesn’t revolve around making banks and credit companies money.

Arbonne = MLM = *insert poop emoji

Arbonne = MLM = *insert poop emoji

I mean, you forgot to include the best part;

Meanwhile I’m here on my third Borderlands 2 play-through waiting for BL3 to come out.

Yea they did, they fucked up big time.

Well traditionally speaking African Americans are often under-represented in court mainly due to available funds to hire competent lawyers. These were all grown men who probably had better resources to higher better legal representation. The other issue is that the previous DA was attempting to charge the entire gang

From the outside its easy to look in a say that these guys got off because they are white. In reality the shoot out was a mess that was amplified by the miss-handling of situation by the Waco Police Department. How are you going to have a shoot out in a restaurant covered inside and outside by cameras and not have

For sure, I just couldn’t remember where most of Jalopnik was based off of. I know they have a headquarters in NYC. I couldn’t remember if they also had one in San Francisco.

The weakest part of Jalopnik is clearly the Truck coverage. I don’t know if its because most of the writers are based in NYC or the West Coast but the site overall is horribly out of touch with Pickups.

Now playing

I mean, you can watch like 2-3 min of it and tell how bad the lag is. He still managed to win a few games with the lag and affecting us “normies” too. The game released in fantastic condition but probably due to its overwhelming success some issues have crept up recently. 

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