
Yes! I took my 11 year old daughter (a gymnast) and her friends to see the post-Olympics gymnastics show last weekend. They don’t guarantee which ones will be there but all five were. They seemed to take it easy with their routines but it was still awesome.

I look forward to crazy people complaining that her missing the Whitehouse visit is yet another instance of Douglas being a self-centered, unpatriotic monster because reasons that are totally, really you guys, unrelated to race and gender.

I feel like her Wisdom teeth got taken out ages ago! What is going on ? I feel bad she is missing all this awesome stuff.

I think she’s legit had a bad run of minor health problems and also likes to be with her family. But she’s shown up to things.

Balloons 2016!

Is it just me or is she seriously channeling the Queen here?

Do some research, she is nothing more than a gypsy, a tramp and a thief.

she is a great singer (her later work notwithstanding) and a truly FANTASTIC actress. Moonstruck is one of my all-time favorite movies and performances!

Listen for her. She’s driving that Mack Truck of a voice. Ronnie Spector has a good voice, with a tremelo. But she’s no Cher, at...15?

Cher is also arguably wealthier than Trump - due in equal parts to her legendary stamina and her uncanny investment sense. That’s got to just slay him!

I don’t even think log cabin repubs would let that slide.

Really? I had NO IDEA. Like, just reading that gave me goosebumps.

Totally forgetting what a great, powerful voice Cher has. In the early “Wall of Sound” Spector hits, it’s Cher’s voice...as a kid! that puts the vocals over the top. And that’s before her career really started. If you’ve ever gotten the hair on your arms standing up over the Ronettes “Be My Baby”, it’s because of the

Who is that?

Not many people know this but Milwaukee actually comes from an old Ojibwe word meaning “Yeah, but what about Black on Black crime?”

TWoP used to hate-recap that show and they railed about how Mary was shunned for being a damn responsible mature self-reliant adult. Mary has escaped the Camden cult. Plus, what family (of milk drinkers) owith more than one person buys HALF GALLONS of milk? That’s a serving for most teenagers.

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...