
Queen Sugar had me hooked from the opening scene of Rutina Wesley in bed waking up slowly the light highlighting her gorgeous skin and locs. The dichotomy of the siblings lives and how different they are and how they are showing the complexities of being black....I am obsessed already can’t wait for the episode

Saving the Winston gif.

And I *JUST* got engaged Sunday evening. FUCK! I knew I should’ve held out a little longer...

Meanwhile, Roger Ailes just hired Boushh, whom he praised as “my kind of scum, fearless and inventive.”

I wish you were around when I was 12. My grandfather died and left me the Minnesota Twins. I didn’t like where things were going so I decided to manage the team myself. What a story that would have been, 12 year old manager brings in 13 year old reliever!

Jewel was great last night.


Sometimes you gotta learn a change up. When you're known for your blazing fastball, I'd recommend a floater. Nothing like making a grown man whiff with the bases loaded to crush his spirit.

+1 Daniel Stern Oscar-worthy supporting performance

I broke my arm when I was 13. When they took off the cast, my tendons had healed a little too tight. I found out that I could throw a baseball incredibly fast. I got signed to a major league team and did really well closing out games. I eventually reinjured my arm later in the season and had to retire. But I’ll always

Jewel’s response is lovely:

I agree, I get that academically he’s miles ahead of his peers but school is also about socialization which I’m guessing this kid missed out big on. My mom teachers first grade and one year she had a genius like him (he was in the process of patenting a car design at SIX) but his parents wanted him to move through the

I have just one, single, solitary question for this young man.

Live look at Drew Magary:

Black Like Me. Best skit ever on that show.

The boarded the coon train with a quickness.

Tiki Barber left his pregnant wife for a girl who babysat his kids and was an intern at NBC. He’s a twat.

My mom says “Tiki is a twin, and that’s at least 50% too much of him.”

Wow. They already have one QB who can’t stand up; why add another?