
Lol between Lewandowski amd Scottie Nell Hughes and other Trump supporters CNN lines up for the sake of “balance,” they have managed to assemble a full gaggle of uninformed and inflammatory idiots. I feel genuinely sorry for all the other commenters and panelists who actually know what they are talking about.

“I’ll take whatever she’s got! Empty her pockets!”

This is my favorite Clair Huxtable rant of all time. Second is the one where Sandra decides she wants to skip law school to open a wilderness store with Elvin.

Well, if the Bush twins managed to survive into adulthood- I’m sure Malia will be just fine.

Something about this is sooooooo funny to me. It’s like having a whole crew of clueless dads following you around, not as subtle as they think they are.

“You went to Lollapalooza for BIG FUN!”

Not headed for Harvard this fall. She’s taking a gap year and working at, I believe, the US Embassy in Spain. (I know more about the Obama family than I know about my own sometimes)...

Does no one remember the Will Friedle Classic “My Date With the President’s Daughter”? I’m only 24 but that’s still my go-to first kid movie reference.

They gave SMU the death penalty for a lot less than the crap Baylor’s been doing.

Oh, I hope he is a bit of a bad boy like his father. This could be fun to watch.

The TMZ story also claims that Bieber’s musicians (all of whom are black) said “sure, kiddo; go ahead. But you’ll have to find another backing band.”

Or...he could have donated half the money to HILLARY. That would have been a big, juicy fuck you to the republicans.

Which he could have salved with his 5 million dollars worth of fun and things.

i would preform at the RNC for 5 million. i have no values that cant be bought i guess

ahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa! smooth

No, stay!

As expected, DeSean drops it before achieving his goal at the end.

So much hateration, holleratin in this dancery.