Weird Fishes

+10 for use of “dotard”

I hope Chris Collins gets down there to fellate him one more time before JJ goes to the hospital.

Star #400!

Cash is crack to some. It’s all about what gives you the zoomies.

Clearly nobody from the GOP wants to have that part of of the conversation.

I’ve always wondered what his “friend’s” reward is going to be for taking the rap. Because he was probably promised something a bit more tangible than a seat at the table of Jesus.

It is a bit of a head-scratcher, that one.,

that was really fantastic.

Why on earth do people insist on still listening to him. How on earth is he still considered employable? Why do I continue to ask rhetorical questions of a man who should (still) be in jail for murder?

Oh my. Those wing mirrors. *involuntary hip movements*

I can only hope that Smiths does the electrics for the complete experience.

Just folks trying to get by, like everyone else.

This is just so stupid.

Very handsome, tastefully well done. A love car. Kudos, Sir

You raise a very good point. I’m in and out of AMS a few times a year on business and have seen my share of horrors (including people trying to swim in the canals), but the people you see in that state are usually the dumb daytripping kids and the odd Dad who has overdone it. But you’re right: It’s an ugly sight.

Replace the grills. I have a crummy old grill whose grates I upgraded with stock Weber grills; it’s made a world of difference. Also, most charcoal grills have a coal grate. I’m experimenting with grates of different sizes in order to find the ideal height for the coals from grilling surface, depending on what’s being

They should use the Marriott Marquis. I do.

I’ve been a NYer since the mid-80s. I pass thru Times Square three or four times a year, usually to poop at the Marriott Marquis. It’s not so bad; it’s just not any place someone who has anything better to do - really, like anything - lingers for any appreciable length of time.

is that shoe polish? Or hadn’t the paint dried?

How dare you speak the unspoken truth. Technically three years, if Plaxico doesn’t shoot himself in the leg. Oh, and go to prison.