Weird Fishes

Oh great, so now you’re going after competitive house painters. Is anything sacred left these days?

The pitcher - I think it was Pill - knew better than to say anything.

Shhhhhh.. it’s okay, it’s okay. Remember. She’s incredibly unhappy.

This is superbly done; I drink iced tea year round and make it all summer. I have never understood iced coffee and therefore don’t drink it.

Hellman’s will also suit, I’m sure. I was brought up on it, and I’m commenting on a tomato sandwich article on Jezebel, so clearly I turned out OK.

Apparently not in the artisinal paradise wherein pazuzu resides.

Then it’s a BLT and not a tomato sandwich, and a mess in your kitchen besides. In the summer. Jesus, did you even read the article?

curse you!

I hope to hell they get the product mix right this time. I waited 6 months for my Alltrack to be built.

What a pretty car.

What a tasteful and unexpected engine upgrade.. It’s still available and I’m getting an itchy trigger finger. Quick, someone tell me some horror stories about the 2.3-16!

It only narrowly beat out the “Powerful Pucksters”

If they’ve lost Chris Wallace they’re doomed.

I’m beginning to suspect that she’s had her nose done.

Was the name of the bus the USS Enterprise?

He looks as if he’s trying to wrestle it away from her.

Having a rabid jackal eat your face is better than being Eric.

I never knew Crosby had it in him. I’ve always thought of him as a delicate little bitch prone to head owies.

He should return to the obscurity of the Islanders.

I mean, back in January he was all “ I will stand up to Trump” and everything else, and since then he’s just disappeared.