Weird Fishes

“Either she has cancer, or she’s gay.”

McCain sounded like an old man confused by his VCR.

Seriously. What will we do for fun then?

He sounded like an old man confused by his VCR. It was a little upsetting.

She always had a weirdly disturbing and powerful sexuality about her. Young Weird was fascinated by her.

we’ll call it...water cooler chat. How’s that.

“Sooo... let’s just say...100 rubles out of my paycheck.  How long will that take?”

Star for “please change”

dammit, beaten to the punch

Bravo, well portmanteau’ed. Take many many stars.

It looks like you mentioned his name enough times, but are there enough pictures?

A perfect score, in other words. Guns 3, Amateurs 0. Well done, chaps.


Makes me glad that the Mets are classy.

That’s reserved for Mets’ management on a daily basis.

Tears of blood from another season-ticket holder here. I think I saw it happening from section 330. The kid was leaning over the tunnel presumably yelling (un)pleasantries at the (presumably aggrieved) Mr Met, who then turned suddenly, faced his interlocutor and made a (presumably rude) gesture at the noxious (and

After two weeks of unsuccessful rehab in the clubhouse and at least one last-ditch appearance in the on-deck circle in the 9th.

this administration makes my head hurt real real bad.

Tortured but effective

“I know lots of words. All of the best words. I know words people have never heard of before.”