
Ikea Jerker? I'm surprised you fit all those monitors. I had to upgrade after I got my third

I had a similar reaction the first time. I got used to it after a few weeks but on a Desktop, there's really no good reason to upgrade from 7. If you had a command center, you'd likely have multiple displays and Metro (yes, it's called Metro though MS may have rebranded) sucks on multiple displays

Thanks for that... it was better than most of the Surface reviews I've read

I'm pretty sure they're only interested in this so they can skirt the re-transmission fees and continue broadcasting network TV when negotiations fall apart like they did a few months ago between TWC and CBS

Microsoft wouldn't make you pay to upgrade to Windows 9 RT. They'll just say it's incompatible and make you buy Surface 3

Why is Gizmodo pretending to be confused about the differences between the Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2?

Any chance you have a link on how to perform this procedure?

This article's title should be "What if Gizmodo started publishing books"

Maps are useless in Jersey anyway

Getting a nice case is one of the advantages of building your own. You're right tho, you can save a big chunk by getting the $20 case or $60 mobo but by that point, you might as well go OEM which is usually less expensive in the low end segment

We've had tech like this for at least a decade now. The problem has always been that those solutions required large investments in infrastructure and there's no way that any government would fund this. Google's driverless car project seems promising since it doesn't require changes in infrastructure. Imagine how

I hope it won't be using the Sprint network

Why're you picking on Mario? All the writers here have done this

I'll wait a few years for the 3D remakes

I'm getting one for my office at Starbucks

Not as fun as screwing your mug but at least you won't get sand in your mouth

I thought my sarcasm was apparent when I mentioned Miley Cyrus and Candy Crush. Sorry for the confusion

Who still wears GPS watches??? GPS watches are nothing more than fashion accessories. For $400, I can buy two iPhones that does everything these watches does, plus I can listen to the latest Miley Cyrus album and play Candy Crush!

I've had my titanium watch for about 15 years now and it's not wearing any better or worse than my stainless watches

but none of those are 3D printed. 3D printed anything is news these days