
iPhones cost $600 too

The one you link to is refurbished

link please

Ease of use might have been true five years ago but it's about the same now. Give an iPhone to a Blackberry veteran and he'll have as much trouble as if you gave him an Android device

pretty sure he meant Koch suckers

If 24% of surgical errors are caused by machines, does that mean 76% are caused by people?

Yea, that sounded weird to me too. Looks like someone's fudging the numbers

You're jumping all over the place so I'm not sure what you're trying to say but it sounds like you're making the point that modern medicine is bad because it treats symptoms without addressing the cause of a disease. I don't entirely disagree with that but it's not really relevant to my first comment. However, if

Why do you keep bringing up all these nonsensical points that have nothing to do with your previous comments?

Yes, drugs are a better answer than crystals.

Oh, well, if she's certified by a college AND a yogi, then you have nothing to worry about

Based on your "evidence," you should turn to the healing power of crystals. Those guys don't have teams of lawyers and don't make boatloads of money so clearly they're not corrupt, unlike every medical professional out there

I don't know about you but I'd like to think of medicine as different from any other business

You should've lead with something similar to your final two paragraphs. Some idiots will read this and conclude that they should turn to the healing power of crystals

10k would be a steal for 75 mp

It's funny how they ban body armor but not the assault weapons and instead opted to get bigger guns for the police

This song was just begging to be remixed

Now playing

I like this song but the keyboard synth shenanigans are a bit much for me. I prefer this cover

Is it time to recalibrate my monitor or is that just a really crappy gif?

Any word on the unsubsidized price?