
Looks like a Tachikoma

You must be a superhero... like Bruce Willis in that movie

This is going to cause spikes in radiation levels

Should be pretty easy to mod into open cans... just gotta go to Home Depot and find the smallest sized drill bit

I thought the same thing. I was expecting some badass iPhone mod

People that call themselves "audiophiles" make me want to punch them in the throat.

CanOpener also tracks your current SPL (sound pressure level, more commonly known as volume),

Sounds familiar

Most chairs I've ever gotten at office furniture stores will last one or two years. This chair has a 12 year warranty so if you depreciate it over that period, you're paying less than $100/year which is typically less than buying those $100-$200 chairs

Why is food a special case? This argument can be made for just about anything... the canvas of the Mona Lisa could've been used to make clothing for panhandlers in the cold, or the electricity used to charge a camera battery could've powered the lights in a homeless shelter, or the wood from a piano could've been

I'm just going to throw my gingerbread house in the trash

lol... thanks for the reply. I received it two days ago and I know what you mean about the wheel. It's very cheaply made. The balance is off and the groove where the rubber goes is uneven. Hopefully I'll get used to it

You forget what blog you're on

Anyone recommend the Performance MX over the G700? My MX Revolution is dying and I'd like to replace it with something that has the click scrolling and free spinning wheel

Can you elaborate on the wheel a bit? Is it smooth spinning or are there steps?

Do you really? I'm skeptical

They do make a red case