
If you get the keyboard case, wouldn't that take care of the kickstand and keyboard problem? Plus it's red so that's one point over the Surface 2

He never said what part of Long Island he's from. He could be talking Montauk for all you know. And Long Island is suburbia. No one outside of Long Island thinks it's part of NYC

Driving in New York is great if it isn't rush hour but yea, it's painful when it takes 30 minutes to move a quarter mile

My neighbors are homeless bums and bad musicians. They make me want to sit in traffic enjoy the radio while breathing in the scents of pine tree air fresheners

Sounds great but try doing that in New York

"Because driving is soul sucking."

Cue everyone living outside of New York City

Why does it have drainage holes?

It would've been nice if they cleaned their lenses first

Hardhats are for pussies

I'm gonna go a step further and say "Every Hollywood movie is the same as every other Hollywood movie"

It's not the girl sitting on the ledge that's making my palms sweaty but imagining the precarious position of the photographer. If I had roof access, I'd still totally do this

That leather must be made from Kryptonian cows if it's strong enough to pull Thor through the sky without snapping

I like physical buttons but the ones on my Nook were horrible

Apple doesn't give people what they want; they tell people what they should want. I'm not saying Apple should make a thicker phone. When the first iPhone came out, it was already very thin. Each new device that came out was a few mm thinner while maintaining the same battery life because new technologies allowed

If I wore this thing, all you'd see is T&A on the side of my head

She doesn't make a good argument but the fact is there are better batteries that Apple could be using in their devices. Apple's obsession with thin devices has less them to use a non removable battery design making replacement difficult and using large capacity batteries impossible. Also, every new iPhone or iPad

This is what the antenna looks like. If Aereo can do it, why can't TWC? It's not like Aereo buys one antenna each time they get a new subscriber—they come in arrays of dozens or hundreds of these little things

You guys like comparing Apple's consumer products to the competition; how about a comparison article to see how this stacks up against a Precision or other workstations?

I can substantiate everything Butters has said