
If he had a Toshiba Thrive instead, he could just swap out the battery

If he had a Toshiba Thrive instead, he could just swap out the battery

Why not just put ice cubes in your Camelbak?

You can find them on eBay

Did you see that? Something just flew over your head...

Just wait for "temporal noise reduction" to filter down to the iPhone. Then it'll be just like a mirror

I can imagine the marketing team's meeting... our shitty headphones leak too much ambient noise. Let's market it as a safety feature for all those idiots who somehow beat natural selection and haven't gotten hit by a bus yet. They don't know what good headphones sound like anyways

but the iphone has a "retina" display... it's the same resolution as a mirror

It's not just the aesthetics that people complain about. There's the issue of exploding birds and the low frequency noise that turbines generate which causes headache, nausea, narcolepsy, and other adverse health effects in nearby residents

Why would I spend $40 on this when I can just get a $5 knock off in Chinatown that tells time as well as this one does?

if you're around ny and ever want to get rid of it, let me know... i'll gladly take it off your hands

I had a similar issue w/ a laser printer from the 90s where I had sit in front of it and manually feed it one sheet at a time. I put up w/ it for about five years because I was convinced its print quality was superior to all the sub-$300 printers at the time

he's not wearing his seatbelt in some parts of the video

It might not be such a bad idea to experiment with including text messaging as part of drivers ed. Maybe if people were trained to handle distractions like phones, nav, and music, there would be less accidents

if you're pizza hut and can't make real pizza, you have to resort to gimmicks like these to sell your edible food-like products

Just because you can doesn't mean you should. You guys are supposed to be fans of design and ergonomics so why would you want to combine a phone and camera and make them both awkward to use? A wireless solution would make so much more sense

Sharp blows. Panasonic is much cooler

i'm waiting for retina display before i upgrade my fan

So does Nokia destroy the ozone layer in the future?

And who'd you rip it off from?