
wow... it's like you're speaking Chinese

To be fair, when I was a tourist in Japan, I did look the wrong way when crossing a divided street (cuz they drive on the wrong side) but I learned very quickly

When did we stop teaching kids to look both ways before crossing the street?

When can I get one implanted?

I recommend a lot of $400-$500 laptops these days. Most people want something that'll last 3+ years but if they're not gaming or using Creative Suite, I convince them to just get a cheap one and replace it in a year or two. It also saves me the trouble of cleaning out all the crap that gets installed

I would've thought the bishop goes somewhere else

how about this guy?

I get almost as excited when I find spicy Cheetos... my local supermarkets just won't stock it

my thoughts exactly. if you're gonna eat wings, you might as well go all the way and dunk it in fat

Thanks Curves!

If he was actually funny, he wouldn't be able to stop laughing into the camera

i thought they all got rid of peanuts

Blackberry is still # 1 in market share

it'd might be worth $400 if Ultimate Ears was still Ultimate Ears

wow... that's more pixels than the iPad 3's retina display

"I don't see how a neural prosthetic/augmentation would be any different from an artificial heart..."

Assuming the person remains the same person, I'd still call it a tool the same way an artificial heart or limb is a tool but doesn't redefine that person. If you want to say he becomes a different person after replacing parts of the brain, then I don't know what I'd call it

I still see it as just a tool, even if it is one that's omnipresent in some people's lives. We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one. I agree with you that phones have changed the way people live but we've all seen those ridiculous commercials (especially the Motorola ads). Transcendent is the image they

I'd still call that a tool but then we're getting into Ghost in the Shell territory and that's a whole other discussion