
Oh, ok... I see what you were saying. Yes, phones are tools which we can call exobrains but then why don't we put the same label on our computers?

You could say the same of any new technology. Someone probably said the same thing about the nail gun compared to the hammer or the car compared to the bicycle.

ok... I'll revise the count to six

Sounds like a great phone. Maybe you should go get one and be happy that you got a phone that's right for you

The good thing is the phone holy wars will be fought on internet forums and blog comments

You haven't met too many Windows Phone fanboys because there are only five of them

Your phone is not an exobrain. Like all technology before it, your phone is a tool that makes accomplishing certain tasks easier. It is no more an extension of you than your hammer or your car is. Fanboys are the ones that buy into the advertising telling them that owning the product will make them something more

You bought your phone because it is the best phone for you. For someone else, more powerful means less battery life, more durable means uglier, open ecosystem means less secure, more customizable means overly complex, larger screen means less ergonomic, and removable storage means unnecessary bulk

"Android users: are you tired of your iPhone toting friends using Instagram as their go-to 'You don't have this app on Android so nany-nany poo-poo' argument?"

you must be tripping even harder w/ that retina display

Do you really want to make people drunker while they're pissing in your bathroom?

So there is a pump? At first glance, it just looked like a series of heat pipes

It should be noted that this isn't liquid cooling in the sense that it uses a pump to circulate the liquid between the CPU/GPU and radiator as you find in a desktop system. This uses liquid filled heat pipes—which are pretty common in laptops—to move heat from the CPU/GPU to the heat sinks. The thing that's

Thanks! Hopefully my 50D will have no problems also

Thanks for the info. I'll have to check this out. I've been looking for an alternative to carrying around a laptop

so is Samsung uglifying their phones to avoid lawsuits from Apple?

What camera are you using w/ this and does it support live view?

for what you're describing, you'd set the shutter speed to bulb and control the time w/ the app. People have been doing this for years with timer remotes that cost under $20

Totally agree. My $20 eBay remote from China does everything this does except the accelerometer (which I can't imagine being all that useful anyways), light, and sound triggers. Just because you can do this with a smartphone doesn't make it a better solution

They're gonna buy the DOJ and FTC first