
I didn't know all that. I admit, I don't know a whole lot about NASA, I'm just going by the headlines I've read on how Bush wouldn't extend the shuttle program, and Obama wanted to kill Constellation and it makes me doubt the future of our space program. NASA's total budget since its inception is around $800B and

I'm not sure but fire burns up so I'm guessing whatever sprays down won't be ignited by the fireball

The ice remark was a joke... I was thinking of an episode of Futurama.

These are heat seeking missiles so hopefully the NYPD at least points them up when firing

NYPD procedure states that these missiles are only to be used if enemy aircraft are approaching Manhattan from the west

You've been watching too many action movies. Unless we're talking about drones, aircraft that are shot down seldom break up into hundreds of small pieces that only do moderate damage to buildings

America was discovered because land routes to India were too costly. Considering it costs $10,000/lbs to send something into orbit, we'll have to seriously deplete our resources down here or develop some crazy sci fi tech before we start mining Halley's Comet for ice

Let's do what America does best: continue downsizing NASA and outsource our space program to China. Or better yet, let's start Cold War II because we can't play nice w/ other countries unless we're the sole super power

he's making a valid point. we should be worried because our space program is at a standstill and if it stays that way, china will be on mars before we make it back to the moon. cooperation w/ russia's space program improved relations and accelerated scientific progress. we should be worried because china will get

we know the chinese have evil militaristic ulterior motives because we had evil militaristic ulterior motives when we did it

The new commercials will show some chick with a Kindle Fire and a Touch and $200

I liked the quality of the ARchos 70 hardware but didn't buy it because of the sluggish, gimped software and the lack of custom roms. If you're comparing specs, I'd say the dual core processor, higher resolution IPS screen, and 512MB RAM on the Fire beats out the Archos but it's still too early to call w/o knowing

You need 3G so you can check Yelp to find the next bar. Those tiny screens on smartphones just don't cut it when drunk

The problem with those cheap Android tablets is they're so stripped down that it's simply a poor user experience. Almost all of them use resistive touch screens and crappy LCD panels with horrible viewing angles. The icing is the slow processors running crappy skins on top of gimped versions of Android where you

holding the water guns underwater w/ the tank open would keep a steady supply of water to the guns but it won't maintain any kind of pressure

it wasn't done in one take. you can tell by the shadows that it took longer than two minutes to shoot the entire thing

Because NYC is awesome and Paris sucks

If you wait a few years, you should be fine seeking public office in New York or California

I thought the problem is that one large piece won't burn up enough during re-entry. If it's thousands of small pieces, wouldn't those burn up completely?

If people show up to your house and half of them flash badges, what do you think the other half is? In hindsight, Calderon should've asked everyone to identify themselves but if you're being threatened with more invasive searches if you don't cooperate, you probably wouldn't be thinking straight either.