
Your experiences are still anecdotal. I've had more bad experiences with HP than with Dell but that doesn't make Dell better. Besides, everyone knows Gateway is the worse

You're gonna compare $25 buds to Audio Technica cans? Even if you buy all four, it won't cost as much as your M50s

Even if Calderon did have the stolen iPhone, it doesn't mean that everything Apple and the SFPD did was kosher. It's not a huge leap to conclude that Apple was impersonating police officers with the help of the SFPD when you consider Calderon's earlier statements that none of the investigators identified themselves

I wish the police was this helpful when my phone was stolen

it's pretty clichéd at this point but posts about snakes and planes still require a reference to this movie

I'm assuming "could of" wasn't an intentional mistake since that doesn't go along with the theme of the others

I don't see what the problem is with the names. We use letters to differentiate cars, computers, TVs, and other gadgets so why not phones? If anything deserves criticism, it should be the 160MB on the Y

Don't worry... if they get that thin, Apple will just accuse you of holding it wrong and then give you a free bumper

That's just great. Now I'll have to buy the bulk packages. Anyone wanna split a kilo?

He's not being biased.

Whatever the offense is, police should not be taking messages out of context and using that as evidence to arrest and charge people with crimes. Blackberry users like typing long and verbose messages but I can't imagine this message being detailed enough for an arrest. Then again, this could all be part of a larger

If the message mentioned only guns and fighting, it would warrant an investigation but doesn't justify an arrest and being charged with a crime (I'm assuming water fights are not a crime in the UK). Maybe my reasoning is flawed but it seems to me that if the police track down this guy at the time the suspected crime

We'll just have to disagree. Yes the patent system has a lot of problems and there are a lot of bullshit patents but 99% is not a fact. The details of the agreement between MS and HTC are undisclosed. I was using Exchange and copy/paste as examples.

you are correct... it's over $100

"Like beats or not, this will actually have a positive effect on HTC phones..."

Maybe a little. But I'd rather give my money to MS, since it'd be paying for something of actual value, than to Dre which pays for a big red b

You see them sometimes on NYC subways. I predict it will get worse when Beats phones are available

Can I get one on Verizon? This would be the perfect phone for my mom

What it means for us:

so do you think the $300M that HTC is spending is coming out of thin air?