
That's a different topic. I'm talking about corporate finance. The federal government needs to keep $70 billion in cash to meet its current liabilities. Corporations are supposed to hold enough cash to meet their immediate expenses plus some cushion in case of emergencies. The current problems in Congress are a

Yes it was. If you watch that scene w/ the DVD commentary, she says that it wasn't her body

That's because the GOP refuses to allow increases to the Apple tax

Yea... something is definitely wrong. Apple should not be holding that much cash

One of the points that the article makes is that manufacturers add more and more features which they have to pay royalties for. The cost is passed onto the consumers but the retail price has to stay the same. To keep prices the same, manufacturers have to cut costs by using cheaper components that don't sound as

The old stuff looks better too. That is one sexy looking receiver in the photo. I'll take knobs over buttons and menus any day

first thing i thought of when i saw that picture was the death ray [bit.ly]

How is this a copy of the ISS? Is it because it's round and made of some fancy metal? That's like saying an Evo is a copy of an iPhone

I originally typed "an American" and added "teenage" after. I should've proofread before hitting submit

You bring up a good point. It's like when I do business w/ companies that don't have email while I don't have a fax machine.

I see your point. And thanks for your PS!

To be fair to Fox News, they did have some "coverage" of the scandal

Maybe you should read my comment again because I don't know how you got, "damn the 'little' people," from what I wrote.

You make some good points and I agree to some extent. I wasn't arguing that we should completely get rid of snail mail, I was just saying things like invoicing and receiving payment are more cost effective when done electronically especially when you consider things like a mail strike. The majority of small

"The broken English indicates a foreign agent..."

your examples are good arguments for the death of snail mail since both of those can be done cheaper electronically

they went through a lot of trouble to make it look like a real apple store

if it's too cold, it could get stuck to your lips or tongue

chuck norris doesn't use straws... he looks at his drink and it jumps in his mouth

i was gonna say the same thing. you have to zoom in pretty far to see his name