
site's been working fine for me. have you tried a different browser or updating your drivers or flash?

will it take used french fry oil?

considering it's the government, they'll probably end up being sold in bulk w/o wiping any of the data

basically but the US Government is also too big to bail out

my accountant would have a nerdgasm

you could watch four windows of hd porn

Credit rating downgrade, higher cost of borrowing (higher interest rates), devalued currency, inflation... and that's just domestically. Since the US economy is so global, it would affect the economies of all countries

The debt ceiling is a cap on the amount of debt that the federal government can borrow to fund government operations. A better analogy is reaching the credit limit on your credit card and calling your bank to increase the limit to pay your bills before your electricity is turned off

China holds over a trillion dollars of US debt and their currency is pegged to the USD. If the US defaults, China will be screwed pretty badly

but wouldn't you see a blurred car? or wouldn't you see the car when it stops at a red light?

will the magnetron technology warm up my lunch at the summit?

if it's aluminum and overpriced, Gizmodo likes it

Logitech makes great hardware but their drivers are shit

the phone will also stab your eyes out after killing your father

the power button on my PC looks like that too

When iCloud gets hacked or crashes, the fanboys can blame Microsoft

oh, ok. i wonder how much space it'll take up

you might be referring to prefetched data which the current version will do but it only works if you start your trip w/ a data connection and you don't deviate from the route. it won't work if you're starting from the middle of nowhere. if you have a route and you have to get off the freeway for some reason in an

google nav uses your data connection to download maps. stand alone units are good if you're driving in areas where you can't get a reliable signal

sounds like a challenge for the mythbusters