
how do they keep the pockets from bulging? gadgets are thin these days but you still know when someone has their phone in their pocket

@ournive: i'm not sure but engineering professors like to throw in that disclaimer when they cover induction because there's always a student who gets the bright idea of "free" electricity using induction and power lines before it gets to their meter. i'm guessing the monitoring system at the utility companies is

@flux: what's wrong w/ a staged photo?

@ournive: as long as you're marketing it as a military product. it's illegal in the US and the utility companies can detect if you're stealing electricity this way

wouldn't induction be easier and safer?

japan always gets the cool stuff

i'm guessing coffee makers were still made in america in 1984

wow... i never knew so many gizmodo commenters were so undersexed

@NyC88Rican: girls are always saying that to me but i don't have an evo

godzilla dropped his phone in the subway?

gizmodo is actually criticizing someone for not doing three minutes of fact checking?

@fratto: a lot of old buildings, like the flatiron building, are more efficient than new buildings-mainly because a/c wasn't that common when they were built. new "green" buildings are incorporating design elements from these old buildings

@SewerShark: i've always seen sony point and shoots as crappy

@dallasmay: my favs are the librarian, schoolteacher, and businesswoman w/ her hair up wearing a skirt suit

@tomsomething: yes. but i think you could've selected a more flattering picture

@Illundiel: i get the same thing. girls think i have some weird glasses fetish or something