
@WilyFox: sorry, i should've been more specific. i mean longer buzz w/o a trip to the ER or temporary blindness

@modestmouse: nothing wrong w/ research but i think they're going about it backwards. they should come up w/ something that keeps the buzz going longer w/ less booze

i still use a local mom and pop for my prints. it costs a lot more than costco or my local drug stores but the quality just blows them out of the water.

@Sam Packard: he's not human... he just hasn't run windows update in a while

has anyone done a review of the intel ulv or amd neo chips? i can't find any benchmarks on them

any savings over an e-ink reader will just go into paying for new glasses/contact lenses

@playstationpwns: your comment was approved by jesus. doesn't that prove something?

@Alfisted: just bring it to the chevy dealer... $200 w/ installation

@imTheKing: calling me a fanboy is not posting facts. calling me a fanboy and saying irrevelant things is trolling.

he was busy buying google shares before it broke 500 again #google

@imTheKing: don't you ever stop trolling?