Weezie Pants O'Disco

I agree! I am a person with dwarfism and I've done some pretty kick-ass things with my life. (And plan on doing more.). Being called inspirational can backfire, because when you CAN'T do something, in can increase your frustration and sense of failure. At least for me. I'm one hell of a swimmer and can out-hike most

We can sure as hell critique narratives that perpetuate people being viewed in a stereotypical, reductive, and yes, dehumanizing way, though.

1) Immunocompromised persons can and do routinely get sick from things which would not make healthy people sick. That is the whole illness. That is why there are different health recommendations for immunocompromised people.

I have been a Jezebel lurker for years (since the very beginning), and I have seen its decline. One thing that pisses me off is that no one writing for Jez EVER acknowledges when commenters are right. The whole Lena Dunham thing? We ALL thought that was fucking ridiculous. The rape photos incident? That was

1) The polio vaccine is not on the schedule for U.S. citizens.

Thank you. I was gonna say, "Actually, they do not make me feel 'fucking lazy' because the reason I'm not running a marathon isn't that I'm 'fucking lazy' but that I'm in a 'fucking wheelchair.'"


No prob. I think before it had actually happened to me, it was hard to imagine why people wouldn't just dial 911 immediately... honestly I think it's partially because most other crimes don't have this murky issue of consent and so things are far more cut & dry. If you're getting murdered or robbed, you immediately

I had a very similar situation as the letter writer here, and honestly it wasn't really until the next day that I was able to truly process what had happened and admit to myself that it was rape. When you're really drunk and verging on blacking out, and things are just escalating and you aren't aware enough to know

I hate that as a woman my first reaction to stuff like that is to be embarrassed as if it's my fault. It shouldn't be that way but I find that embarrassment completely paralyzing—it's always my first reaction.

My niece used to take the train back and forth to visit her dad for the weekends when she was around 12 (part of a custody agreement). Some weird dude sat next to her and started saying and acting inappropriately, but for some reason, my niece was paralyzed with fear to say anything. She said he eventually put his

It's great. In the old days (say, when I was 14), guys like this used to count on the girls not saying anything because they'd be too mortified (or be convinced it was somehow their fault). So good for her for speaking out.

I am ashamed to say I Googled (thought maybe if it was quoting someone hateful that would be a mitigating factor). The quoted text does not seem attributable to anyone but Forever 21. And therefore, because I cannot abide the misuse of quotation marks, I must go blog shirt.

Question: can we turn either shirt inside out?

I suspect this will be your answer to each and every one of these posts!

I like decorating, technology and science fiction. The assumption that most other women aren't interested in those topics is part of the problem. I think the success of The Hunger Games and Divergent show that most women are interested in science fiction. The issue is that too many women who are interested in it don't

I'm not sure what I would do, but my husband wanted to buy this today but apparently it sold out immediately.

I choose the glorified sports bra for two reasons:

The worst thing about anti-vax is this: for every disease that this woman survived (thank goodness), she passed it to many other people including people with suppressed immune systems (AIDS, cancer), infants too young for vaccination, and elders whose vaccines have worn off.