Weezie Pants O'Disco

Haha, so true. Gotta watch out for those virgin births, they'll getcha!

NEVER a terrible idea! See: Teen Mom.

Clearly. Everyone knows that the best mom is the mom that didn't want to be one. Guaranteed success.

I'm now so torn about my love for Sherlock and my newly-develop distaste for Martin Freeman.

That's Vivian Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara in 1939's epic Gone with the Wind. Which you need to get your hands on, ASAP.

What the fuck, dad. Get off of pinterest. Is no space sacred anymore?!

I'm not sure that me and Pinterest have the same idea of who "Daddy" is

Holy crap. They win "worst parents of the year" award.

I was thinking about this the other day. So many of the things we take for granted in romance are incredibly patriarchal. It just occurred to me how gross the idea of your father "giving you away" at your wedding is. I mean, sure, tradition etc, but the idea is literally rooted in GIVING AWAY PROPERTY TO ANOTHER MAN.

Whatever your beliefs about sex, I've never understood the desire to make a big show of your virginity. 'This is my promise ring, I'm promising to wait . . . ' Uh, who cares? No one wants to hear about that crap. That's cool if that's what you believe, but let's not pretend it's some amazing achievement to not do

Also? All that daddy's little princess/husband's little queen bullshit makes me want to vomit.

The idea of Promise Rings is one of the most disgusting, pedophiliac, Lolita-esque, revolting, uuuuggggghhhhhh-inducing, shuddering, baaaaaarfing, awful, condescending, controlling, misogynistic, ...There are so many words to describe it, and I feel like this isn't enough. Miss Scarlet does not approve.

I commented on one of those. Something to the effect of "Oh great, a new way to let your impressionable daughter know she's a piece of property! She "belongs" to her father until he decides to let someone pork her? Great way to let a young woman know her worth!"

I will gladly wear that ring and have my boyfriend treat me like a queen...in the bedroom!

Well that's bizarrely Fruedian and appropriately gross.

Just a tad toooooo incesty for my taste.

Jesus that is the saddest thing I've ever heard. I'm so sorry for everyone involved.

One of my dad's friends was raised Mormon. One day her mom took her to the doctor because her period had stopped. They doctor asked about sex and she said no, she was a virgin. The doctor and the mom left the room to talk and the nurse asked her if she knew what sex was. "Of course. That is what married people do".

I like snarky comments as much as the next guy, but there are some implications here that are pretty disturbing about women and education and bodily autonomy, and I'm having a hard time taking this story lightly.

Unless she believes EVERYONE in the Middle East was white until... well, I don't know when, then hello? Judas had to kiss Jesus on the cheek to indicate who he was to the Romans. If Jesus was Whitey McWhite Dude and no one else was, couldn't Judas have just been "yo, look for the dude who stands out like a pale yellow