
I'm most disturbed by the fact that this guy was a social services worker. How can a person see the worst of what people can mete out onto one another and decided to add to it?

I don't know that we know what the guy thought - we don't know who it is or what they were doing, but bright pink paint is not really anyone genuinely interested in conservation or stopping markings go-to plan.

I just can't imagine referring to my sexual partner as 'Daddy' while mid-coitus. I refer to Mr. Seal as Daddy in the presence of our children, but not when we're one-on-one. It just gives me the icks.

I prefer the "this is hard" message too. Because it IS hard. Very, very, very hard.

Thank you, you hit the nail on the head. The fairy tale meets snarky shtik is overused... Not to say they can't use it, ever. But there is a lot to be said for a children's movie that is charming, not all smarty pants all the time.

Yes! I was trying to think of a way to phrase it, but you nailed it. Even as a puppy they've got the same adult chow difficult attitude, but obviously it's a lot funnier when they're tiny and look like someone animated a stuffed animal with witchcraft.

I only think about my breasts when they're a) hurting, or b) in the way.

I feel like I'm making that face trying to pull that puppy out of my monitor.

*tears of joy* look at it. look at it. look.at.it.

I'm glad to see you here today, Burt. You are a breath of fresh air.

Awwww... bashing Americans. So cute. So original. Because, you know, 300M+ people are all the same.

"Why don't you crawl into my uterus and wave your magic hands and make one. And then, when you crawl out, wave your arms and make money appear too."

We are disgustingly insular. I sometimes think that it's by design, and that the powers-that-be refuse to allow us vacation time so that we don't get to know other cultures (seriously, most Americans do not get vacation time). Then again, you don't need to go other places in order to appreciate them and HOLY SHIT talk

Jensen Ackles should be in all the gifs.

You mean Jack Nicholson who hosted Roman Polanski's photo shoot and rape of a 14 year old girl is a pervert!?

Isn't anyone else kind of rooting for him getting shot on the doorstep of the person he's delivering the painting to, because they felt threatened?

Now THIS is a person who deserves a second chance at improving their life, unlike some snot nosed rich teenager who thinks it's cool to drink and drive. *ahem*

dude, my cat looks more like Grumpy Cat than him. I need him so I can have two scowling, blue eyed faces to greet me when I get home, just like holidays at grandma's house.

Without further information, it would be unwise to make accusations... My first thought was perhaps he feels at ease talking to her about problems that he doesn't want to weigh you down with.

Please. MY imaginary BFF would rule in a real-life Hunger Games.