
I think there's a very important difference between someone's nature (i.e. a person's disposition) and something that's biologically innate. I think she likely meant the former, and I'm willing to give her a pass. I don't for a second think that she genuinely believes that women are just innately meek.

Yes, our 20s... looks around (there's got to be a gift for this)

Gillibrand is the absolute shit, and I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. In a quick sound bite, she's not going to give us a footnoted essay on socialization, patriarchy and structural inequality. I think she's just trying to say that it's easier as a woman to try to make nice and smooth feathers,

Proof why this is far more than a "choice" issue. It is quickly becoming a global health problem and I would not be surprised if the word "pandemic" gets attached if this continues.

I love videos like this because PUPPYSOCUTEOHMYGODFACE but I hate them because, as everyone has said, let the puppy sleep already. Obviously some kind person needs to take this puppy in.

He doesn't deserve this puppy.

I will never get tired of this meme (not even sarcastic)


Substitute me for the puppy and my cat for the human, and this is a perfect representation of what I go through every morning at 5:30


What the hell kind of sociopath is this dude? I bet his name is Chet or Trey or some shit like that.

That's some Gitmo interrogation shit the dudebro is pulling on that puppy. Cut it out.

Why does he keep waking it up instead of cuddling with it when it can't resist? What kind of monster shot this video?

Can I get that ass by simply walking past the gym?

OMG! I once belonged to an Equinox in LA and a woman in the locker room sat in front of those mirrors by the hair dryers and proceeded to shave her entire pubic area- like EVERYTHING, taint area included. She was spread eagle on the bench in full view of all whilst carrying on a very loud, intense conversation ON

Sooooo sorry about that, Erin. What was I supposed to do? Go around with wet underpants all day?

Did she maintain eye contact the whole time? Was it some sort of weird territorial power play? (in my imagination, it was)

Yeah, I hear you about Ryan. There's that one second when I register him as attractive before recognizing him, but my ladyparts have a way to shut that whole thing down.

Right? Paul Ryan is a total case in point. If I didn't know how gross his policies were, I'd think he was super hot. But since I do, I feel like my vagina somehow walls itself off at the thought of being physically intimate with him.

This is on the money. When I met my husband, I thought he was OK, not super hot. But I grew to love him very much in a short amount of time. Now I couldn't live without him.