
I just want to interject to say that I am now going to use, "Do you even bow-hunt?" as a way to shut down an argument.

Compound bows are incredibly difficult to draw. Luckily for Katniss, she doesn't wield a compound bow.

Hey lady, if you have to treat low level government employees like shit to get your point across, you need to reassess your point. Who do think you were inconveniencing? Not the government, just actual human beings.

That's interesting. We have a local, regional chain (I'd say 6-8 stores maybe) whose employees are non-union and they are paid very well. In fact the company was named one of Fortune's Top 100 Best Companies to work for (or something like that). Once in college I used a CC I had through my parents and it was from my

My wife is not allowed to go to Petsmart on the weekends because those are cat/kitten adoption days and we already have four. If she went we would have forty.

Here's my new kitten! Not from the SF SPCA, I admit, but still...

My Doctor told me that if I gained weight that the pill and the morning after pill wouldn't be as effective because the hormones in both are fat soluble. He said it was more to do with body fat though.

Can you say, "Covering their asses before the inevitable class-action lawsuit?"

Oh my god, that's the worst, comparing myself to younger me. The real crime is that when I was the younger me that I idealize today, I thought I needed to lose weight/firm up/blah blah! If I had known then that I was as close to "perfect" (as far as all the shallow stuff goes) as I was ever going to get, I would

Just... trust the process.

It was a (small) step in the right direction. The two choices were 1) Do nothing, or 2) Do something to get people covered and slowly start pushing the national dialogue in the correct direction.

This slope is WAAAAY too slippery. Please, SCOTUS, do what you need to do.

It is hard not to feel shitty even when you compare yourself to yourself. You wake up after a rough night, look at yourself in the mirror, think back to a week ago when you looked way better, and feel like shit.

I disagree, I for one was shocked to find out the VS models had rolls under their bra straps, i thought it was something only chubbies like myself get. Anyway it did indeed make me feel better. In alot of instances as well, its things like bones and sinew that are photoshopped out - You see the skinnyness but you

You know what's worse than a low libido? Suicide. Paralyzing depression. Rapid cycling bi-polar. Cutting. And a whole host of devastating mental illnesses that those meds & others like them help treat.

Lol! Mental illness is hilarious! Let's reinforce the idea that meds are crutches for boozy housewives! Yay! I love it when television tells me that I just don't understand my own life!

I can't tell you how excited I am for the further stigmatization of mental health treatment.

Will it answer the question: Am I not having sex because I'm on Xanax? Or I'm I taking Xanax because I'm not having sex?

Fuck that person.

I know someone that's getting their 1 year old an ipad for Christmas.