
I never regretted my abortion! Ha-hahaha, it's good to be a witch!

He was a complete asshole. Make sure to have nothing more to do with him. Because asshole. And tell your friends, "I'm not going to hang out anymore with the asshole that called me fat. So, make a note of that."

What the actual screaming disjointed fuck is happening here, and can someone please make it stop.

God that makes my neck hurt.

Please, walking to the mailbox is a 'marathon' to me.

Because, surprise! Most people who spew this stuff aren't really interested in "health." They're interested in telling the world how icky it is to be fat.

Jesus Christ, shut up.

If anyone actually believes that etsy isn't already chock full of factory products, they are stupid or naive. There are plenty of excellent sellers on etsy, but there is a tremendous amount of stuff off a boat from a factory, with soft focus pictures.

Wearing helmets are great safety tools, but having actual sidewalks kids could ride on would also be outstanding. When did sidewalks start to disappear?

It doesn't grow back thicker, it grows the exact same, just with a blunter end. You are saying a fact that disproves what you said to begin with. People like you made me terrified to even see if I liked shaving various areas of my body as a young teen; I was so terrified that if I started it would grow back worse and

Shaving does NOT make hair grow back thicker. That's such an oooold myth, and it's just that - a myth. It's untrue.

Ha! My short stature finally pays off! I could take ANY jeans off the rack and, with only a pair of scissors and poor judgement, create these babies.

I wonder if this is partly a breed thing. My Great Dane would be like, "It was so long ago (5 minutes) that I don't even know what we're talking about. You'll get over it, so best to start now."

My puppy isn't contrite about anything! He'll stop being naughty (eating cat food is his most common transgression), but he's entirely unashamed about it.

Know what's hilarious (and by that I mean rage-inducing) about that? I was at a hearing in Arizona for the 20-week abortion ban, and the sponsor of the bill told the committee that there were "abortion doctors" (read: OB/GYNs who also perform abortions) who would be testifying, and that it was only "because their

Or not to seek out medical care in the first place, if you're afraid of being treated that way. Which will lead to awesome healthy babies and moms too, right?

That's just... A super excellent excuse to never tell your doctor anything that may be held against you. I can't see how this could possibly go wrong...

Yeah, I tend to do a lot of research on EVERY product I buy for the dog. Even more than when I buy myself food! Hahaha. I'm currently feeding ours Kirkland's grain-free, and nothing I've seen suggests that it has any issues... yet. Sigh.

"Girl, Interrupted By A Man Who Knows Better"

Or you could go public and make the company look like an absolute ass. Lesson learned from Gawker websites (: