Weed Vegeta

I don't really get how you can take this stance. The responsible, adult, and mature thing to do is to stand by your political convictions and be honest,.. I hate this idea that somehow people are supposed to simply "go-along" with loved ones bad life decisions. I dont really get how you can say it's the compassionate

ya i feel you, and get that about the her post. I just also feel like its okay and important to try and force someone to confront the inconsistencies of how a heart breaks and whom it breaks for—yeah its an obnoxious FB post and hyperbolic, but if we don't start having these conversations somewhere, they will never

i dont hate america, sorry. I hate the bourgeois tendency of trying to turn the material experience of suffering into some sort of fashion one can take on. I am from new jersey and my relationship, distance, and knowledge of the communities and lives of those in sandy hook or boston is essentially just as distant and

While people posting intensely "alt/radical" political ideals on FB is inherently idiotic and misguided, the last time there was an attack like this on US soil there was no allowance for any sort of discourse that might have suggested some reflection on our own implication in the global network of violence—and the