It sounds like you’ve largely killed joy in your life already, so just go ahead, take the plunge, and never smile again.
It sounds like you’ve largely killed joy in your life already, so just go ahead, take the plunge, and never smile again.
Did anyone ever figure out how old he is?
Excellent comment, but you probably know that Gawker Media (as an organization) is extremely leftist. It bleeds over into everything they do, because “the personal is political.” Regardless, I just wanted to say I appreciated your insight.
Maybe I’m dumb, but accessing workshop content is always a pain in the ass for me. I currently right click the game, go to community hub, then select the workshop tab. Is there an easier way?
Now watch this drive.
Try a bullet.
I’d like to invite you to one of my Little League games so you can see just how wrong you are.
There goes my sex life.
You probably put way more thought into this comment than he did into the original article. I’m not sure if that’s a condemnation of him, you, or both. Regardless, you should know that Hamilton Nolan doesn’t know dick about shit, and that holds true pretty universally.
They both survived, you nonce.
Benny Rodriguez is the greatest Dodger of all time, and I was shocked to see him excluded from your book. Which current Dodger do you think could face down The Beast and win? I say none.
Herein a sexless Tumblrina is oddly vexed that the fantasy life of a famous comedian features an endless parade of one-night stands. That seems almost... p-p-problematic, but xhe likes Seinfeld! Frantic, xhe thrice invokes the name of Tay to ward off triggers, and has a revelation: Seinfeld was set in New York, and…
Yeah, it’s slow. Yeah, the AC’s broke-dick. Yeah, it handles like shit.
Lincoln-Douglas debates, surely.
If you didn’t get paid by these companies to post their copy, you’re doing it wrong.
Your name is Albert; your argument is invalid.
Hmm. “Interactive visual novel”, sex-game, anime... The anathema trifecta. Your tastes are garbage. You’re a trash person. Have you considered suicide?
“Hurrr... I’m a socially maladjusted autist who only understands the world in the context of my shitty foreign cartoon obsession. Wanna see my toy collection?!?”
I appreciate you doing some very basic journalism, since Rovell and Deadspin won’t.