Weapon X

For some reason, American Ninja's trailer calls it American Warrior at the end, and American Ninja 3's posted trailer keeps referring to the character as Cunningham, not Davidson... ?

Darn, I figured but still I had a miniscule amount of hope that maybe there was a series that I somehow never knew about. What I wouldn't give for a 2099 series tho


I hope you suffer a thousand grueling torments for having this atrocity added to the things I now know about.

As if the 90s FF cartoon wasn't bad enough already.

I hope you meant to write about the 'Spidey-in-an-alternate-universe-on-the-High-Evolutionary's-planet' show and not 2099. Because if there is a Spider-Man 2099 show, or any 2099 show, you must point me to a link and/or hand it over at once, or I will shake the internet to pieces to find and possess it.

I re-watched that Silver Surfur cartoon a couple years ago, it was only one season, and I felt it was much much better than given credit for. The Surfer isn't really dumbed down at all and is the same character as established by the comics. While some of the other characters and plots may be kind of dumb, the Silver

Oh no... that means that "Angel" Punisher can show up in any comics universe, at any time!!! We must destroy this 'Heaven' post-haste!

SG-1 vs. BSG... damn you io9, couldn't this have at least been planned out so as to be delayed til a Final Four, or at least Elite Eight?

And yeah, this poll should be nullified for not having set up a DS9-Babylon 5 matchup before encountering another elite opponent.

This is the answer to the Fermi Paradox. Sentient aliens haven't visited here because each time an intelligent alien race encounters a planet they first switch the heads on all species they encounter there to see what would happen. On the plus side, it would seem we will instantly know of their arrival.

Also, wtf! Poor

I would assume fouling someone in the last three seconds to send them to the line would give them eight free throws so that would still enable the miracle eight-pointer "The Shot" for MJ. Obviously.

That intrigued me, this world around the superhero community. It's the people whose shop windows get blown up when the Destroyer shows up.

I love the offhand way that it's mentioned that "Unfortunately she disappeared last week". lol and +1

Exactly! No one should deliver that line anymore unless it's as an acknowledgement/tribute to the Will Smith line.

Elicited an actual lol. +1

Yup. Only I don't think mine would be fatal. I hope not. Hopefully something on par with when Thanos' mug graced the screen at the end of Avengers.

I will not let Hugh Jackman dupe me into looking forward to The Wolverine. I will not let Hugh Jackman dupe me into looking forward to The Wolverine. I will not let...

... and Summer Glau wins everything.

One of his blogs was Fire Joe Morgan maybe? The real reason FJM went dark, Park and Rec my ass.

This monkey's grief-stricken countenance will haunt my soul forever.