Weapon X

I stand corrected, did not keep up on current events and a random surname change was not something I expected.

That's... weak. Thanks for the correction tho, haven't kept up to current and didn't see that coming.

I can't resist being 'that guy' in this instance. It's Rachel Summers, not Grey.

Fantastic, thank you.

I remember a game early last season when the Wizards were playing the Bulls where Young almost single-handedly lost Washington the game in a span of about 4 minutes late in the 4th quarter. My buddy likened him to Tyrus Thomas, which blew my mind with how much sense it made.

Who is this woman, I think I am in love

Kitty was never 'tough' though, just really well trained (and I mean tough physically, she was plenty tough mentally). So she never had to look like an athlete and didn't. Ellen Page was perfect for the role, I wish she got a chance to play Pryde in a Wolverine movie.

Nearly all the committees are like this. Pro-bank politicians lead financial oversight committees, there's an ethics committee chaired by someone whose company was convicted of fraud iirc, it's late as hell at night and my brain is fried but there are dozens of examples of the exact people who are against something

lol, I had to scroll back up to see what you were talking about. Dunno how I missed it.

"Now, how does this comment system work again..."

I did, and I don't see how you could interpret it that way (is kronocide also IrishPub or was this a name error/changed name?). I thought perhaps you didn't understand what he/she was saying so I thought I'd clarify. As far as your EMP suggestion, that would be the most plausible explanation except for the fact that

I agree with you completely here.

Lol, okay we Americans may look stupid to you if you look at reality tv or our politics (quick hint, research our electoral system and you will see how relatively tiny population areas wield equal power to our most populous areas, one large reason for why our political system functions the way it does) but for fuck's

I think that's a perfect example of why this show doesn't make sense. There is no catastrophic disaster, natural or otherwise. Just a loss of electronic devices and power. I'm not saying there wouldn't be some increased crime and hardship... but anarchy???

While I've managed to keep watching the show I have the same problem you do. It's not even the physics/electricity thing because I believe in cutting them slack until they actually explain what happened, but all of society crumbling instantly due to the loss of power is incomprehensible to me. Like cops would just

If electricity doesn't work, our bodies don't work.

When stated like that you have a point. I do take issue with your stating that the author's point is "just knuckleballers do this" as he did mention that over a career it becomes apparent that certain pitchers are able to maintain a much lower-than-average BABIP (off the top of my head w/o checking- Maddux), not

Much as I hate to agree with you, well said, bub.

Kinda see it after you pointed it out but still, you were right the first time. That's the shape of his face, not a beard.

You're completely missing the point of this article here. The argument is that a lower than average BABIP is not the result of mere chance/luck for some pitchers, especially knuckleballers, the way it is for the vast majority of pitchers. So unless you have evidence either disproving that point or something that