Weapon X


Now that had me actually lol, thanks

It’s not that new sales weren’t being tracked, they were. They weren’t being rewarded, though. And if you analyzed the performance metrics pushed on employees, then you would come to the conclusion (as just about all employees immediately did) that new sales would actually detract from individual performance metrics


How would it go, though? Could someone write two tediously long articles imagining what the commonfolk would be saying about it if it happened, comparing the two, and only two, scenarios possible?

Each Middle Eastern country also has lots of guns per capita, but it hasn’t deterred anyone* from invading them.

You can’t lock up the dark.

One year.

Democrats are the worst. We have to hold them accountable and make them feel fire or they will bow their heads to every bully and follow along or cave to their donors at the first opportunity. Do not be consoled by having only Democrats represent you, be even more vigilant for the knife in your back.

‘Space Writer’ is the coolest fucking title.

Okay but this one was so bad it looped back around to being great.

It was worth it even if just for the recaps here on io9. I miss watching shitty TV (V, anyone?) just to meet here and laugh at it together after every episode.


Yeah, it took me a long time to come back to DS9 after abandoning it a couple of seasons in when it originally aired. I’m very glad (and grateful to everyone who touted its quality) that I did, back in the disk-by-mail-only days of Netflix.

I did appreciate the scene in Ant-Man where Scott Lang uses the move on Falcon and Hope has that look of impressed surprise (she did use it on him in the training montage).

That’s weird, you have a better system and comparable TV to me. The app streams great for me, though I do have 155 mbps internet. Maybe the PS app is the issue?

Do you have a gaming console? The app works great for me on the xbone. Or maybe a chromecast/roku type thing could work for you. If your home ISP is shit, though, then you might be out of luck.

Very cool, Evan, congrats!!! I’ve really enjoyed your articles on comics and can’t wait to read your new project.

Thank you!! I’ve been trying to get people on board with calling it the DCW-universe for a couple of years already, maybe it’ll finally catch on now.

Ghost Rider should really have an encounter with Thanos in Infinity War, though.

Even if it doesn’t offset the hit to the local economy as a whole (and it probably doesn’t) it is the only thing the city itself has to immediately and directly pay for and that makes all the difference.