Weapon X

Bless you sir(/madam).

Thanks, I have a disable tracking extension installed now. Tracking should bring up ads etc., still don't quite buy how/why it would lead to a friend suggestion...

Lol, that's what I'm going to keep telling myself.

Sure, that's possible, except that A) the email address I used was not one associated with facebook and B) I find it extremely implausible that a sportswriter who has email correspondence with likely thousands of people would then click the option on facebook to search for people he knows using his work email (plus

Thank you. Effectively dissipated my anger into lol.

Is it me or is Icke actually beginning to look like a lizard himself?

Absolutely, that game was far better than I had hoped. It really ruined the effect when they would mix in bits from the movie, though (I was half-hoping Dea— Weapon 11 would win in that terrible final battle).

Yup. There needs to be a post to make up for this with just pics of Lovie Smith yelling at them or there needs to be a retraction to this one.

No kidding, I saw the headline and immediately thought, "All 32 NFL coaches? Got to see Lovie, there's no way" and what do you know, the only coach to not only not be yelling at the refs, he's not even looking at them or the field.

One can only hope, I suppose. First Class did manage to be good despite my going in expecting, wanting, even trying, to hate it. The one thing I do know won't happen that should is an R rating for Wolverine.

What has really freaked me out is that FB has been suggesting a sportswriter here in Chicago as someone I may know. The thing is, we share no common friends, did not go to the same or nearby schools nor neighborhoods, I don't know anyone who works at his paper, nor any reporters/athletes and pretty much there is no

Those were just false memories from the real Weapon X program.

They have no right to your optimism, from what they did to create that travesty.

Chris Claremont is king in all words.

To be fair, it was scrapped because the reaction (though not, unfortunately, the box office) to XO: Wolverine was so negative, and deservedly so. I imagine in the red universe they made an awesome Magneto Origins movie and the Wolverine movie never saw the light of day. Wish I could visit that universe, if just for a

Agree 100%. And in only fifteen years no less! Wtf, how does the military lose its entire chain-of-command and cohesion from a lack of electricity? It's even less plausible when applied to local city and state governments. Frankly, the sorry ass 'militia' we see scouring the towns and villages would have its ass

Yeah I agree with you. No electricity means everyone just goes nuts and government immediately breaks apart at all levels? Not buying it. Cops would still be cops. Hell, the post office could still function going back to its Pony Express roots.

I got that same vibe from this episode especially. It should be wingnut must-see-tv, which is maybe what they're banking on.

I don't dislike Charlie quite as much as C.J., and I'm giving the show a temporary pass on explaining the loss of electricity, but this episode just exacerbated a bigger problem that I have with this show.

"will reportedly play Thor's older brother Tyr..."