Weapon X

I did find this pretty funny but, 'honestly,' most of their swipes didn't feel like real criticisms to me. Think the movie (and previous movies) explained Banner was gaining control of the Hulk in certain circumstances, the earpieces should have been visible or explained but several characters DID touch their ears

Sounds like urban legend. I think jaywalking is probably still technically illegal so that cops can ticket people who piss them off or who go running across LSD or something but is otherwise not enforced. Thankfully. We do just fine walking through the city without worrying about nonsense tickets.

No one here in Chicago gets a jaywalking ticket unless they decide to stroll along the middle of the street (instead of crossing it) and even then it's unlikely. If you have any friends or family who are Chicagoans come visit you, you'll see we are dumbfounded by the concept. The city does a lot of stupid shit

Well it's good to leave it in any case since others can see the thread. I thought the same way you did until I read the 'Simultaneous Catch' rule so don't feel too badly.

I was seeing things the way you are as well at first. But from the rules, mainly the one posted above in the Deadspin article, Jennings only has to have CONTROL first. Basically, for it to be a catch, you have to have control all the way to the ground with both feet inbounds, but you can have control in the air. As

Bears fan in Chicago, still signed it :)

You're right, one is a collection of people, workers, organizing to negotiate the best deal they can in the labor market while the other is a collection of pe— wait, that is the same thing after all.

I love how pedestrian-friendly the city already is and improvements are being made constantly. The road 'bumps' are dubious, like another commenter stated, they mostly just wreck cars and only slow cars down immediately before and after the bumps. Plus, in the winter they are more dangerous because of the snow/ice

They were just as dickish then, government shutdown ring any bells? Difference is, the Big Dog would call them out and go toe-to-toe 'til they caved or an actual compromise was reached. Could you imagine President Obama shutting down the government instead of backing down and agreeing to wingnut demands?

Like most of us fans, he probably just conveniently forgot the baseball season isn't over yet.

"It's going to do nothing to prevent players from fighting when they need to fight, and those instances do exist."

Vinnie: "Look, Frank, you can't say that because people will know we wasn't here long enough! There ain't enough time! I can't explain it any more than that. What're you gonna do, make it look like we've been here for like 5 billion years?"

LOL, I think this deserves a Deadspin style +1

Definitely awesome (not the shirtless one though, that's just... wtf). I think the armor may be a little over-the-top but if they toned it down juuuust a little it would look pretty badass on screen.

It wasn't the movie we thought we wanted, it was the movie we thought we needed.


Holy fuck that's good. If this got made it would be the first horror movie I've watched in a very very long time.

A show where every week is a step on the journey to stopping the Cape is what sold me. (Well that and swordfighting in Chicago, complete with Lou Malnati's signs and Bears and Cubs posters.)

My favorite thing about this is that I was actually pointed to this post by a tweet from Kerry Wood — https://twitter.com/KerryWood/status/247784605569134592