Weapon X


*sniff* thanks. I heal pretty fast actually but those emotional scars... those are something else.

Your comment is what makes you a moron, not your enjoyment of action movies. Total reading comprehension fail. Go back and re-read the opening paragraph.

Ultraviolet was so disappointing that just your mentioning it made me want to cry.

I believe Mike means the "ending" as in the ending of the trilogy, not the ending of the movie itself.

Has to be the police armor, not actual Robocop armor (fingers crossed)...

Good to see we're not alone, at least.

Can we also have more stores open at that time? OH, and banks. And government offices, post office, DMV...

When people say/read the title it still has a colon. By not putting the colon where it should be and pretending there isn't one they're really just moving it to the wrong spot. This movie the way they are trying to have us say it is like 'Star: Trek Into Darkness' which sounds like what good ol' General Pulaski said,

Did anyone else hear the Halloween music when reading his first tweet in the banner up top?



Chris, from a Bears fan, you rock. Fuck these morons who actually say they don't want to hear a professional athlete's opinions on politics. They should move to a country where people aren't allowed to express their opinions. We all know if there was an athlete on their side they would hoist him on their shoulders and

Otoh, there can't be THAT many billionaires in and around Gotham. I'd put the over/under at 6.

It's going to be twenty-nine minutes of Gordon-Levitt going to visit several other billionaires to state that he knows the billionaire is really Batman until he finally makes it to Wayne Manor.

Dunno if it's bad for "innovation" or not. But it's certainly bad for Law.

Blogger already patented single-column comments sections.

While I understand and even applaud your desire for more innovation, it doesn't justify establishing more bad precedent based on flawed legal interpretations. Derivative though some aspects of many current smartphones may be, they quite clearly do not infringe valid patents. Many (though definitely not all) of the

duck. duck. go.

holy shit yes, my brain felt like it was melting looking at that company's website. Pure fucking gibberish. Who the hell falls for this shit and hires these people???