Weapon X

Have to go back and check but I thought that the license plates in the first two movies were still Illinois plates. Or it was the same plate but with 'Gotham' written over Illinois

I know I'm replying to this thread like two weeks late but just stumbled across this article so... if you can enjoy classic Doctor Who with no problem then the cheesiness of TNG will be no problem for you! You've already gotten the dozen or so warnings about the quality of early Next Gen so I think you're adequately


Damage Control.

An excellent point to ask if the "Ask a Physicist" series ever comes back. No obvious answer comes to mind atm.

While I am sorry it didn't work for you, reading a book is a huge upside to come out of this mess :) I hope by now it is working for you, all you need to do is click on the 'Classic' view option on top of the comments (as long as you installed the add-on to Chrome).

Well yeah, I was trying to keep it simple and stick to whole numbers. But if we want to have a really accurate timeline then, of course, you're correct.

You do realize we have also just been in Afghanistan for ten years. Granted, our experience may not be exactly the same as the Soviets but a clusterfuck of a different magnitude is still a clusterfuck.

Yep, I'd be pretty happy if half the country seceded now.

Well if the future is akin to what happened to Tom Paris and Katherine Janeway, we should probably just take the VHEMT route after all.

Yeah, and who would secretly just be waiting until there were few enough people left that they could repopulate the Earth with largely just their own descendants?

True, but is that really the fault of the transgenic technology... or of Ayn Rand?

Also, turns out you can close the replies after expanding them after all.

It's glorious, isn't it?

Don't mind me, I'm just here to exult in being able to make sense of the comments again thanks to blueTunic's antidote— https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ebpikpglbmpefffekgcdhogkpihphjja

Five. We are now five closer to Mass Effect Relays.

It doesn't. Use Chrome and add this— https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ebpikpglbmpefffekgcdhogkpihphjja

Awww hellz yeah, THANK YOU blueTunic!!!! I can finally make sense of the comments again, and participate once again as well! This Chrome extension is the antidote you need for that Gawker commenter poison— https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ebpikpglbmpefffekgcdhogkpihphjja

So THAT'S what God needs with a starship!

You don't have to take out an iPad to show the TSA, really? Why is that? Do they consider it a phone, can you just leave it in your carry on as it goes through the scanner? Or did you just mean that you don't have to take it out since you already have it out?