Weapon X

It is insane that even stuff we have paid for is not ours. If we want to have our music or video collection accessible on the computer or easily taken with us as data they want to stop us from even doing that. I feel like the measures the motion picture and recording industry have taken are so draconian that it

These corporations aren't all American, hell some of the largest content owners are Japanese (under Sony). But that's not entirely accurate either as these companies don't give a f*** about any country, they're multinational institutions. Hollywood may be here but the people who actually own what it makes are all over

For a second there while looking at that pic, I thought Wolverine had popped his claws behind Hawkeye, in front of Widow's face.

Very very much appreciated. I'm the same way and would likely have destroyed multiple items before being forced to play the game all over again. Thanks for the spoiler-free warning!

Suffice to say I can't be any more excited about playing ME3. Putting it off for money and time concerns. Plus I need to finish one more run-thru of ME2 to get things the way I want. Price on ME3 should drop considerably by the time I'm ready to play it this fall.

Clearly, it is the remains of Chicago that has somehow rained down upon STL. Can't help you with the river, though.

Spider-Man clone saga did it for me. Only recently got back into 'em and while rereading the older stuff I actually stumbled upon the exact page where I walked away as a kid.

Since it's well established that the Russians are super friendly with all of the Islamist terrorist regimes, it is logical to conclude that terrorists will also soon be establishing camps on the moon. Where they will obviously conduct training for attacks upon the United States of America. Clearly, this means we have

I haven't played 3 yet but from 2, without the Reapers wouldn't we also lose the ME Relays? Thus making the universe we would be living in pretty much identical to this one?

I hope to fuck we GO to Europa before I die. Drill baby, drill.

Much as I want to see Ender's Game I'm going to have to boycott it just based on Gavin Hood. Someone has to be held accountable for Wolverine.

Revolution was one of those long "Click to skip" YouTube ads before some video I was watching. At the start I thought it was another long right-wing attack on Obama portraying some sort of dystopia he was going to create so I didn't skip just for some entertainment value. Then I figured it was probably a real show but


Ditto. Though I sometimes also attempt to randomly pick out parts of the middle of the review and read them if they're not too spoilery. It can be tricky but there's usually a couple paragraphs that don't actually have any spoilers at all. Only do this with movies you don't mind accidentally spoiling a little. It's

Hope you went apeshit with pride! Its a moment deserving of public nuttiness, regardless of whether anyone around you knows it or not :)

I can see him being a part of the movie without necessarily including the Infinity Gauntlet tho. Six years... here's hoping it's at most four :(


Thank you, yes! I did not realistically ever expect to see him in a movie but damn that looked good! I have described that moment to everyone as "losing my shit" and I love that so many other people during the movie had the same reaction. I can only wonder what the other confused people were thinking.

Agreed, wish I was starred so I could promote. This is the simplest and most obvious reason why it wasn't said. They didn't even 'become' the Avengers until that final fight when they gather after Hulk shows up and they're already assembled there. Don't think they even thought of themselves as Avengers until after it

Agreed, the "Hulk... SMASH!" in Incredible Hulk was perfectly timed and delivered, imo. The fact that it didn't come until the very end of the movie and in the way that it did made it fit. Loved that moment.