Weapon X

Oh and one more quick point. Even in this movie, Loki is practically just a puppet of Thanos. The Chitauri leader at one point incredulously points out to even Loki that the Cube (Tesseract) is so much more useful than any of the ridiculous prizes Loki hopes to gain. Thanos apparently controlled the Chitauri and

Well for starters the real trick is preventing Thanos from actually getting the Infinity Gauntlet, for reasons you already mentioned. There is still a story once he does get it but, at least in the comics, that resolution requires other characters from the Marvel universe and doesn't really involve the Avengers at

The Infinity Gems each control a different aspect of existence. You can wiki the exact ones but basically one gives you the ability to read/control minds another to control time, etc. etc. The Infinity Gauntlet is a glove (gauntlet) that all the gems can be put into if you get them all and this basically makes you

Seconded. I am still laughing about that today every single time I think about it.

As I explained to someone in the O-deck, yes Thanos is physically very powerful but that's not really his appeal. He is also an extremely smart scientist with some energy manipulation powers, as Bazzed states, but that still doesn't make him so super compelling as a character. He is a master manipulator, which begins

Redacted for comment system fail.

Just saw this before the Avengers and for the first time I'm actually looking forward to this movie. It's weird, I can't point to anything particularly great in the trailer but it just worked all together and actually made a case for itself. Before I wasn't even sure I would watch it in theaters at all.

A little surprising but not too much, you're not ranking it ahead of the greatest comic book adaptations for sure, but I still prefer all of those movies. On the way back from Avengers :)))) tonight, one of my friends was also arguing that it was better than it's made out to be now.

Excellent point, it's certainly what I would do with that money. In fact, space exploration was really the primary reason I've ever dreamed of being a bazillionaire or a gazillionaire (which one of those ranks higher...?).

Okay now I HAVE to watch that series plus the movies again.

Congrats on posting the best non-Alien(s) related reference on this thread.

How about Cameron-Anderson, or Cameron-Google-Anderson? (EDIT: Yikes, why did I say Spielberg? Stuck in my mind from a comment I read below, oops.) Actually can the second company to do this just buy the Alien franchise and name their company Weyland-Yutani?

I cede geek superiority to you then, as I was pretty heavily into what tech companies like Google were doing but would certainly never have predicted this. At least not as being among the first to try. In retrospect, they certainly always had the courage and imagination required.

I'm actually still amazed that in the '70s/'80s we actually had not only a live-action Hulk on network TV, but that freakin THOR made an appearance. Yet a little over a year ago people didn't think it would work to have him in a movie.

Ah thanks. I figured as much from the shot of the Hulk being hit by Thor's hammer but I wasn't sure if that was edited in or not. Plus I didn't remember it from the series, though I was pretty young and didn't nearly watch all of it. Gonna have to rewatch that whole series and its tv movies at some point.

What would people have said, a decade or so ago, if you told them that Google (you know, the internet search engine) would be the ones to really advance private space exploration?

Hawkeye made me LOL.

I got that, I was just being an ass. Pretty cool deal most of the time if you can get it.

Awesome, love that last paragraph/sentence.

Thank you. Hearted.