Weapon X

Right. Accidentally.

Thanks, I hear you on Dale but I still liked that he was really the only one who was so adamant about doing the right thing (at least, as close to my sense of right as anyone on the show, save Rick or Glenn maybe). I had the same feeling in that ep that Shane was beginning to finally, begrudgingly, respect Dale a bit

Thanks for your comments, nice to know I'm not alone! I think you're right about a lot of people expecting much more continuous zombie-killing. I appreciate that it actually wasn't this season, it may give the show more life in the long-run. Definitely have to read the comic soon, at least the first few years of

I believe his proper title is "Thor, Frog of Thunder."

He had to have been attempting a joke.

Two consecutive real-life LOLs? This thread has already made my day.

LOL, best point yet, thanks

Its Michael Bay, I'm sure there'll be plenty of cannons.

Think it's pretty obvious what I saw.

I'm the best there is at being seen, but what you see best isn't very me.

I was wondering if I'd be the only one to notice T-Dog's (why is he still called this, does he not have an actual name?) horrible, horrible u-turn. Seriously, he put the truck into the ditch, I thought the plot-point would be about them getting stuck there.

That's exactly what I thought when I saw that they inexplicably left the blue pickup on the highway. A little surprised they didn't at least leave a not for Andrea 'just in case' like they did for Sophia.

Agree with all your points except the first one. At the end of 'Nebraska' (the first episode of the second half of the season) it looked to me like Herschel was snapped out of his funk and simultaneously converted (baptized? witnessed?) to the cult of Rick after Rick's moment of total badassery. That would be the

I didn't know she was British before either and her accent in this episode was a bit jarring to me too.

From moving vehicles over uneven terrain, no less. The zombie apocalypse culls out any weak shots among us, apparently.

Perhaps, but you're definitely the reason YOUR tv sucks. It can't be in good shape after being thrown out of a window.

Hey, now watch where you sling that blame! So I haven't had time to watch Awake yet, but I was on board for TSCC, Fringe, supported the second-half of Caprica, the second season of SGU and participated in many other TV-saving ventures (come on, buying disgusting Subway sandwiches to save early Chuck gets me no

Catwoman is a FIFTEEN SEED?!!??!? No way. It has to go all the way. Cinderella story time.

I still have hope for the return of Charlie Murphy.
