Weapon X

Actually he'd almost certainly be the only other person who's held elected office in D.C. (a qualification that excludes Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Sarah Palin and that poor dumbass who somehow won the Dem primary to run against Jim DeMint, who caused the recession, for Senate in 2010) who would share that concern.

Holy crap how is that entire roomful of people not erupting in laughter?!?? I mean, a delay of a second or two, or even three, to process the abnormally large piece of wtf, but after that we shouldn't be able to hear anything but uproarious laughter on audio.

Excellent point. How can anyone possibly claim that having Clint wear a costume would look ludicrous when he's standing there in semi-regular clothes next to Captain America, Thor, Iron Man and the freaking Hulk. Samuel L. Jackson's eyepatch looks more fitting next to those characters than plain civilian Hawkeye.

No because those aren't opposing conspiracy theories, necessarily. The scientists agreeing on climate change are the primary conspiracy, the liberal media is a catch-all and less a conspiracy theory than just an accusation of bias. But whatever.

While I love that video, this post isn't pretending to present the different sides/interpretations to the climate change issue, it's presenting two opposing conspiracy theories to illustrate that one of them is entirely ludicrous compared to the other.

+1 for "ineffable"

I didn't hate it and since it wasn't trying to be a blockbuster superhero movie there's a lot I think it actually did well. So, keep your head up, no shame in liking Elektra imo. It's not like it's *shudder* Catwoman.

Yeah I wait on the newer movies as well when I'm able to, the price drop is key. And I agree an Avengers pack is very possible, though I already have Iron Man, Incredible Hulk & Thor.

Oh and add me to the list that says it is definitely far worse than Phantom Menace. At least that had Darth Maul. At the end of Origins I was really hoping Sabretooth would kill the pansy pseudo-Wolverine that was in that movie. And then Weapon Eleven happened and there was no one left to root for. It might have had

My favorite part of this comments section is the nearly universal loathing for X-Men Origins. It is the only Marvel movie that will never be added to my Blu-Ray collection. Yup, I'd rather buy Elektra.

Thank you, I actually lol'd.

Okay so the premise is that he tries to save her in an event we haven't seen yet. That's fine, I get that, I initially thought elanor was referring specifically to that time Olivia got shot at by the guy with the Observer tech a couple episodes back.

Glad you liked it :) It seemed pretty obvious, it is your handle, sort of, and much shorter. It is amazing no one had done it already, I can take pride that I really am a special kind of dork.

I love the 'National Project Vote' idea but I feel it would be a lot more practical to amend it a bit. Make it a vote on which project (scientific project, not border fence or highways or something) gets X amount of funding that year. So more like: "Which of these (five? ten?) projects will get the $1 billion (or

While I agree with everything else you said, I must point out that as regards your last statement— Not if we just cut them off from the rest of you!

I object to your inference that the FSM is more valid for inclusion than the holy Invisible Pink Unicorn. How are you Pastafarians still so blind to the truth? How can you deny the divinity of something that is both invisible... AND still pink?!?!!

That's amazing, I love it! I hope many other successful local businesses in other towns/cities would do the same. Have to check it out. Shouldn't be too hard seeing as how I'm in Chicago.

9. That information can be subpoenad now, as long as there is some evidence showing/suggesting that it exists, afaik.

Star Trek 12

1. No shit. That really bugged me too. Like, wtf, is everyone in the(ir) universe so stupid that they can't see the obvious? During September's recap Peter should have interrupted him with a profanity-laced tirade and asked/screamed "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL HIM THE GODDAMN FORMULA WORKED?!!???!? YOU STUPID