Weapon X

Yup. And they overtly (I think unnecessarily) emphasized that point with Astrid's "So it's like recording over a VHS" statement. I mean, Peter is looking at a TAPE (digital or VHS doesn't matter) that records over itself every 60 minutes for bleed-through of previous material. In fact, at that moment everyone in the

I disagree entirely, I think he's just being a lunkhead. Again. I think Walter and Lincoln got to him and he's back on his stupid 'I have to go home' trip. Though, granted, that doesn't quite make sense based on what September JUST told him so you could be right, I just doubt it.

You can't seriously expect the writers/producers/showrunners to keep track of the names of every character each of their actors have every played. Its the actors job to do a good enough job of portraying a unique/different character to convince you/us that that's who they are. And a good enough job that we also don't

As to point 3, that wouldn't make sense if you're referring to the bullet that the faux-observer 'Angel' guy fired in attempting to commit suicide. Obserfaux was intentionally missing since he wanted Olivia to kill him. Unless you're talking about a bullet fired in a future episode or something that I've forgotten

Agree with the other two commenters... parallel universes represent different outcomes but changing history changes the existing universe itself.

Excellent point &&, I was also just assuming that Walternate or Peter would cause the breach and come 'here' but you're right, Walter is the one observing another universe. Would make sense that either he would still cause the breach or he would have sent Olivia over there (intentionally or unintentionally doesn't

That would be a giant mess since a great many people's lives have been affected (butterfly effect) by the alternate timeline. Nearly the entire planet would probably then be getting a second set of memories, except most of them would have no idea how/why. Chaos. Or maybe a spin-off?

I'd like that too, seems doubtful though. I think that with Nimoy retired they're simply going to avoid mentioning much of alt-Bell. Without him all you can do is talk about the character and that's never as good as being able to show the differences through an actor.

This isht is getting complicated. Gonna need a chart.

That is a fascinating idea. I really doubt that's the direction they were/are going but it would make for a really interesting storyline going forward.

Well they (finally) did mention him in this episode when Lincoln and Walter go to Massive Dynamic. Walter said "Bellie and I" when talking to Nina about the original cortexiphan.

I like the new format as it's definitely a lot easier on the eyes. Much more readable, but I still wouldn't mind more shows being covered, used to always stumble across something I forgot about or didn't know of before when reading these posts.

You made me LOL, thank you.

"The majority of them" Meredith? I count one, the Sleeping Beauty one. Maybe Bella too, though that's not really focusing in on her ass. The major problem with these to me is that they aren't interesting and don't actually seem to have a point. Other than perhaps pointing out the artist's own hangups/fetishes.

As many times as I've seen this image, it's a little surprising that I just noticed that even the shield has muscles.

I find it entirely plausible that Martians may be on the Moon. After all, they're certainly not on Mars. So where did they go?

Well, I KNOW he's not going to pursue it, I would just like the idea to not be ridiculed, resulting in the surety that we WON'T pursue it.

Even better if for once she's the one who has to rescue some poor kidnapped sonuvabitch. She's earned that, at least.

We need that in a movie for once.

I've been waiting for io9 to chime in on this. Everyone else has ridiculed the idea to no end but a moonbase would be full of awesome. I despise Newt but, political grandstanding or not, this is one idea I would love to have the country pursue.