Weapon X

Unfortunately we already know who the next iconic hero will be, as his mythology grows daily and is talked about endlessly in the media. The legendary demi-god named "Job Creator," of course.

That's definitely my favorite part. Like, he'll fuck you up, but it's out of love. I think.

Yeah, the panda's actions translated very well lol

what the fuck. I hadn't seen that, I love it! I think it's better that I can't understand what they're saying but I can't help but wonder if it's even more ridiculous in context.

Since this is the third time today I've heard a joke about her looks I did a Google image search after your comment. I didn't even type in owl and yet the pictures that came up... I'm sure I'll be having nightmares about owls & Republicans joining together to suck my soul out through my eyes. Thanks a lot.

I think what Charliehorse meant to say is that trespassers are clearly being told by the sign to beeware.

Your comment about Farscape struck me as pretty funny since somewhere around the end of season two was when the show finally stopped seeming weird to me. It took me a fair amount of effort to stick with early Farscape but once I acclimated to that world I breezed through the rest. Personally, I love the last two

I'm having trouble accepting the B-alt-Broyles (BaltBroyles?) as that much of an asshole seeing how much of a conscientious 'good' guy the original alt-Broyles was.

I had thought so too but teh one true Spock is retired. Voice-acting still seems to be on the table but Fringe has used the animation voiceover trick once for him already.

They've always said Bolivia (as in 'B' Olivia). Fauxlivia is unofficial. Its just something we (io9 is where I first saw it, CJA iirc) came up with at the time and most of us viewers/commenters seem to prefer it and stick with it. Walternate was a happy coincidence in that viewers & bloggers settled on the term fairly

That would be great, but the payoff can only come if there is at least one more season for the show. I love the idea of Peter somehow getting back to the Blue & Red universe pairing but then needing the info gained from Orange (?) to resolve the arc of the next season.

Perhaps, but I would love a few more season of confusing multi-layered dimension-hopping. Like, three more, maybe? Agree that network TV is not going to put up with that. Maybe if they could cut the budget a bit and hop to cable, but we all know there is no cable network that would take them on either.

I'm still not sold that these are two additional universes we're seeing. I think Peter is just wrong, these are still the original two universes, just with an altered timeline. There's nowhere for him to go back to.

You are not alone.

This is Pluto giving us the middle finger after being un-declared a planet.

Too bad about the IMAX but I agree completely, much better job of making it a team. You're right, the characters were much better this time around. It is hard to remember anything about the supporting casts of previous movies.

How do you know Galactus needs fiber?

Watching fucking not the same as watching the fuck out of something. I have heard Shame was really good though, so I probably should watch that regardless.

Seems to me that the best & easiest method would simply be to convince Galactus to eat it. What's that? Galactus doesn't exist? Well neither does a reason to get rid of Mars.

Badass trailer for a 'sort-of' Alien prequel with Michael Fassbender and written in part by Damon Lindelof means I will watch the FUCK out of this movie.